
We are using this on an a-sync mirror member, that we want to be "behind" for any X minutes (parameter)

Here is a sample code:

s sc=1

    try {

        I ##class(%SYSTEM.Mirror).GetMemberType()'="Failover" {

            S diff=..GetDiff(debug)

            I diff < minutes {

                I $zcvt(##class(SYS.Mirror).AsyncDejournalStatus(),"U")="RUNNING" {

                    D ##class(SYS.Mirror).AsyncDejournalStop()


            } else {

                I $zcvt(##class(SYS.Mirror).AsyncDejournalStatus(),"U")'="RUNNING" {

                    D ##class(SYS.Mirror).AsyncDejournalStart()




    } catch e {

        ; any error trp you want


    Quit sc

Usually you do not mix between your "own" persistent (classes) data and Interoperability (aka Ensemble) request & respond messages (which are also persistent).

When you purge Ensemble data. the request/response messages are also being purged !

A best practice is to have for each component its own request/response messages. e.g.
PROD.BO.ComponentName.Msg.Request & PROD.BO.ComponentName.Msg.Response
where BO = business operation (so you could have BS for business service and BP for business process)
and ComponentName is the name of your components.
(sometimes few components, can share the same request & response messages, which is totally fine !)

Hello Subramaniyan,

If you can have a downtime for the DB, than you could write a script that dismount the DB, FTP it to another server and mount it again. This of course depends on the DB size and your network speed.

If a downtime is not possible, I would recommend doing a "hot backup" then copy (or FTP) it to another server and restore it. Another option is to use "external backup" with using a "freeze" & "Thaw" to ensure data integrity.

Further information:



I assume you are looking for something like CDC (capture data changes) for .

The basic idea is to programmatically read journal files record by record and analyze the SET/KILL ones  (according to some dictionary you build to determine which globals or classes need the CDC capability). 

I have done something similar using the ^JRNUTIL



your method returns %ArrayOfObjects so you need to create and populate it within your code...

your code should look like (I have highlighted the relevant changes in code) :

set booksRS = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("Library.Book,BooksLoaned")
        set rsStatus = booksRS.Execute()
        books = ##class(%ArrayOfObjects).%New()
        if rsStatus = $$$OK {
            while booksRS.Next() {
                set book = ##class(Library.Book).%New()
                set book.Title = booksRS.Get("Title")
                set book.Author = booksRS.Get("Author")
                set book.Genre = booksRS.Get("Genre")
                set dbFriend = ##class(Library.Person).%OpenId(booksRS.Get("Friend"))
                set book.Friend = dbFriend
                Set sc = books.SetAt(book,$Increment(i))
            !,"Error fetching books in GetoanedBooks()"
        do booksRS.Close()
        return books


You may find documentation on how to work with streams here: 

in BPL you can add a "code" element where you can create and populate your stream with data,. or you can add a "call" element to call a classmethod where you implement the code.

For example: to create a stream and write some data into it :
(if you need to have this stream data vailable for other components of the BPL it is best to use a %context property for it)

set stream  = ##class(%Stream.GlobalCharacter).%New()
do stream.Write("some text")
do stream.Write(%request.anyproperty)
do stream.Write(%context.anyproperty)

in your request / response messages to pass to BO you will have to add a stream property :

Property MyProp As %Stream.GlobalCharacter;


If you mean to use "Internal" keyword, this will prevent the Class (Web) method from being displayed in the class documentation.

If this SOAP web service if for internal use, and should not be used elsewhere, I would go for an approach of secure this specific web service.


If you need to save your class in more than 1 namespace, and you are using studio, you may do it automatically with studio hooks.

This is done in that way:
1. You create your own source control class which inherit from %Studio.SourceControlBase
2. you put your code in that class. For example you may use OnAfterSave method to run on all namespaces that your class need to be saved, loop on this list (except the current one of course) and save + compile your class (programmatically) in each namespace. 




You could do that with the following way

1. Define your own custom event class (inherit from %CSp.SessionEvents)  then you may interact with the session creation/deletion:
2. In OnStartSession() callback in the event class, you may store the sessionId in your own global/table.
3. In OnEndSession() callback in the event class you may delete/kill your own data.
4. Pass the SessionId from the parrent window to the child (if you do not have it there already)
5. Have a timeout JS code to call the server using #server or #call every x sec. with a check of your own global/table for this SessionId.
If not exist - preform a "windowsClose" or a in-window message...

Here is more documentation abourt it :



As I understand, you want to have Cache as a client, doing a post toward a secure web page.
For this you need to define an SSL "Client".

1. Go to "System Administration" --> "Security" --> "SSL/TLS configuration" --> "Create new configuration"

2. Give any name you want in "Configuration name" for example : SSL

3. Default values for "Type" = "client" and "Enabled"

4. Clisk "Test" button (before save) enter a web site (google.com) click "ok" then enter port = 443. You should get the following:

"SSL connection succeeded" 

5. Save the configuration.

Using that SSL with %Net.Httprequest - https://irisdocs.intersystems.com/iris20191/csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic.cls?APP=1&LIBRARY=%25SYS&CLASSNAME=%25Net.HttpRequest

The trick is to use the "SSLConfiguration" property of %Net.HttpRequest class to store the name of the SSL configuration you have devfined earlier.

Here is a sample code :

Req = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
Req.Server = "www.server.com"
Req.SSLConfiguration = "SSL"
Res Req.HttpResponse
$IsObject(Req) Res.OutputToDevice()


To get information about a namespace, You may use this code :

(run it only in %sys" namespace) 

Properties variable is passed by ref (i.e. it has a point at the beginning)

%SYS>S Status=##Class(Config.Namespaces).Get("user", .Properties)

%SYS>zw Properties