List levels can be confusing because as defined, a single fact can have multiple members. This means that you may see counts higher than the total number of facts in your cube. This can be quite the surprise if you are not expecting it.

Based on the complexity of these types of levels, I would not suggest using them in dimensions with other levels. There may be a particular case where you need this, but I think it would be much safer and a lot more easy to understand if the other levels were placed in different dimensions.

Hi Arutunyan,

Let me know if this properly answers your question. If it does not, please consider adding an example.

We can use the property FullName as an example. Some values for this may be "Gevorg,Arutunyan" or "Steiwer,Peter". You can make a dimension with a source expression using $piece to extract the Last name or the First name. In this case, you may want a single dimension with 2 levels. The first level is "Last Name" that uses the expression: $piece(%source.FullName,",",1). The second level can be called "FirstName" and it can use the expression: $piece(%source.FullName,",",2).

Documentation says that if you use Target=* on your print PDF control, you can "print your dashboard". This option will simply create one PDF that contains each of your widgets printed as they would normally print. So if you are looking for 1 PDF, this may be the option for you. If you want to save an exact copy of what you see on your dashboard, as Alessandro points out, the browser Print option may be best.

I am not sure if you have already explored this or if you had a print control on each widget previously.

Hi Derrek,

I suggest taking a look at the IIF Documentation. I think this is what you are looking for. Here is an example:

>> WITH MEMBER [Measures].[TestIIF] As 'IIF((([Measures].[Amount Sold]>500) AND ([Measures].[Amount Sold]<3000)),[Measures].[Amount Sold],"")' SELECT {[Measures].[Amount Sold],[Measures].[TestIIF]} on 0,NON EMPTY [Product].[P1].[Product Category].Members ON 1 FROM [HOLEFOODS]
                             Revenue              TestIIF
1 Candy                       $162.49                    *
2 Cereal                      $402.61                    *
3 Dairy                       $105.95                    *
4 Fruit                       $977.62               977.62
5 Pasta                     $1,408.68             1,408.68
6 Seafood                     $238.70                    *
7 Snack                     $4,195.20                    *
8 Vegetable                   $552.95               552.95

Unfortunately, from what I can tell, it does not seem like we parse the TARGET setting. This means that if you want to apply the setting to multiple Widgets, you will need to create multiple SETTINGS parameters


This being said, if you want the setting applied to ALL widgets, removing TARGET will apply the setting to all widgets. You can also set TARGET=* to apply to all widgets as well.