Hi all,

This might be a stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyway.

My goal is to write a scss file, pack it as part of a local library (Something like my_library.tgz), npm install that library into a different project and then import that scss file in one of the scss files in the new project.

Simply having the scss file exist in the library before I pack it didn't seem to work; the file wasn't under node modules after the npm install. Am I doing something wrong, or are there extra steps I have to take?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi all,

Over the next few months I'm going to be setting up continuous integration via Jenkins for some Angular UI's. The goal is to, on each build:

1. build the code

2. run the unit tests and get a report

3. get a code coverage report

Just wanted to poll the community in case someone else has already worked with any of this before. All ideas are appreciated.



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Referencing this post:


I'm not sure how to actually interact with the result set I get from doing something like this. I want to return something like:

[{"field1":1, "field2":2}, {"field1":2, "field2":10}]

I'm finding it very difficult to get it in this format, since %Print appends a newline onto the end of the {} object it prints.

Here's the closest I've gotten:

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This is a quick note on what happens when, on your CSP page, you call a cache script which returns a %Boolean and store that value in a javascript variable.

When you call a script with language="cache" and returntype="%Boolean" from a javascript script, the return value is interpreted as a string, not as a boolean.

Here's an example:

A cache script that returns (in theory) a "false" value:

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Hi guys,

I'm running a method on an instance of Cache 2010, which, when compiled, has $$$OK in it's .int code. This line throws an error, telling me that "the OK macro isn't recognized".

Some things I've tried;

- I looked it %occStatus, and the macro definition of OK is there.

- I changed $$$OK to 1 by hand in the .int code. It compiled successfully, but each time I recompile the original class, it's going to put that $$$OK back

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Hi guys,

Mostly the title. Let's say my commands are stored in a text file "inFile". Here was my best guess:

<dir to iris> console IRIS2018 <inFile

For reference, here's an example of the analogous structure that works on Cache:

C:\InterSystems\Cache2018\bin\cache -s C:\InterSystems\Cache2018\mgr -U <namespace to start as> <inFile

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