go to post Lucas Fernandes · Jul 7, 2021 At Caché I usually use it: SELECT Routine, Query FROM %Library.SQLCatalog_SQLCachedQueryInfo() Is there a difference?
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Aug 1, 2020 Hi @Robert Cemper , I'm going to do some tests with your example, thank you!
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Aug 1, 2020 Thank you @Igor Titarenko , it is exactly what I was looking for.
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Nov 29, 2019 Thank you Evgeny and Benjamin for answering. I used the method store procedure to solve this recursion problem.
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Sep 17, 2019 Maybe the "Next" method is missing.Ex:SET rs = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(, "SELECT * FROM LISDB.ExternalUsers WHERE UserId = 83")do rs.%Next()write rs.%Get("Prefix")If that doesn't work, put the command sequence you're running.
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Sep 5, 2019 Usually, I follow the order of indexes or column selectivity (this is a general rule in all databases). For large tables or complex queries, this can influence. However, it seems that the Caché SQL optimizer chooses the best query plan.
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Apr 17, 2019 We use Zabbix through Caché's SNMP protocol. Monitoring five instances of Caché on different servers successfully.
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Mar 8, 2019 Thank you Eduard. That's what I was looking for. I also found the method that exports and imports the settings:do ##class(%SYS.Portal.Resources).Export("CustomPortalResourcesExport.xml")do ##class(%SYS.Portal.Resources).Import("CustomPortalResourcesExport.xml")
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Dec 13, 2018 If it is when you add Group By, it can be: your GCT.PA_Data is so big or untuned that you fail a connection timeout.
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Aug 16, 2018 I tried this method. But it seems that it returns from the current process, not from the referenced process.%SYS>s p1 = ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).Open("P3276") w p1.GetCPUTime()63,47%SYS>s p2 = ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).Open("P7796") w p2.GetCPUTime()63,47%SYS>w ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).GetCPUTime()63,47%SYS>s p1 = ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).Open("P3276") w p1.GetCPUTime()63,47%SYS>s p2 = ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).Open("P7796") w p2.GetCPUTime()78,47%SYS>w ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).GetCPUTime()78,47%SYS>s p1 = ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).Open("P3276") w p1.GetCPUTime()78,47%SYS>s p2 = ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).Open("P7796") w p2.GetCPUTime()78,47%SYS>w ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).GetCPUTime()78,47
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Jul 23, 2018 So, I enabled the Network Activities view (In the Atelier: Window> Show View> Other> Atelier> Network Activities) and performed the project compilation.I noticed that when the 'Failed to read' error occurs in the Network Activities view it displays a TimeOut error in this request:<<<!!! Time:1532368945008 Server: cache201713 POST:/api/atelier/v1/ERP/action/compile?flags=ck Message:Error: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out Total time:30057This compilation, by terminal, lasts 10 minutes or more. I'm doing some testing to see if compile time is related. Because in namespace with few classes this does not happen, when I create an Atelier project of these.Does your project last this build time by terminal?
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Jun 29, 2018 Cool, I learned using ZNSPACE (in the 2008 version) to change between namespaces in the routines. Looking at the documentation actually recommends the 'set $namespace = ... '. Caché always surprising ...http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=RCOS_cznspace
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Jun 28, 2018 Thank you for helping Eduard Lebedyuk.Lucas Scarduelli and I followed that idea. Just by contributing, we developed the following method:ClassMethod disableJournaling(databaseDir As %String = ""){ #dim database As SYS.Database = "" #dim error As %RegisteredObject = "" #dim currentNamespace As %String = $namespace try { znspace "%SYS" set database = ##class(SYS.Database).%OpenId(databaseDir) do database.DisableJournaling() $$$ThrowOnError(database.%Save()) znspace currentNamespace } catch error { znspace currentNamespace do error.Log() } }
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Jun 19, 2018 Completing Lucas Scarduelli's answer. The solution we found was to change the accent characters (ex: á, é, í, ó, ú, ç ..) by entity characters (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Entity).We did a test creating an HTML file with no accented character and imported it without error.
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Dec 19, 2017 Thanks Vitaliy Serdtsev, now I understand where the values are stored. With that I know the limitations in obtaining this data.
go to post Lucas Fernandes · Dec 18, 2017 Yes, I have also tried this method (It is used in the CURRENT^%IS routine). But it does not return the changed size. Here it returns fixed 80 for column , even changed to 132.