User bio

Systems Integration, designing and building (web)applications is my main area of expertise. Specialized in ObjectScript, JavaScript, Node.js/QEWD.js, Vue.js/Nuxt, InterSystems IRIS/Caché, C(++,#)

Member since Dec 9, 2015

I did initial testing with mg_web over the weekend, it's impressive how easy you can use this module to create web pages with a Caché/IRIS instance as back-end. With the latest version, you can not only write your webpages in ObjectScript, but now also completely in JavaScript (using your data in IRIS)!

The nice thing is that this module also supports all three major webservers (Apache, Nginx and IIS).

Benchmark results look very impressive: e.g. with an IRIS db as back-end you see orders of magnitude faster performance compared to some well-known databases.

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