Question Sergio Vidal · Mar 21, 2019 Deepsee and Ens.MessageHeader Hi,I want to create a messages statistics group by month and year using deepsee. To do that I'm creating a DeepSee data model based on Ens.MessageHeader.I added both SourceConfigName and TargetConfigName as dimensions and now I'm trying to add TimeCreated but I get these messages #Message Search #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 3 1 363
Question Sergio Vidal · Feb 14, 2019 REST API Post Header and Body HiI'm trying to send a request to a REST API Service.I'm using this code (Adapter is "EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter") #REST API #Ensemble 0 1 0 981
Question Sergio Vidal · Jul 20, 2018 Oracle Transaction Hi,I have a question related with EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter adapter.Is there a way to open an oracle transaction and do either commit or rollback depending on the query result?Is posible to keep open an oracle transaction to execute a lot of queries on different methods on the same business operation and do a commit when the business process finished?Thanks and Best Regards #Ensemble #Business Operation #Business Process (BPL) #SQL 0 4 0 359