
You running IRIS with an activated feature named as Durable %SYS, which means, some of your settings, should persist even when you restart and recreate containers. So, this may be a cause that your global persist after a recreate container. But does not says why it disappears after the restart of the host system. While we know almost nothing about your whole configuration, it's a bit difficult to discover what's going wrong.

For sure, you can connect with Studio, just should keep in mind few points:

  • The version of Studio should be the same or higher than version of server
  • Port used for connection should be superport which is 51773 on IRIS side. So, you just have to add more -p 51773:51773, where the first 51773, is the port on your host machine, while the second one is mostly constant.

You can also use VSCode for development with IRIS, in this case, should be used web port 52773, instead of 51773. 

I have recently implemented SAML Authentication for one of the projects where I participated, with some SAML providers. I have not tested it with Shibboleth, but with some online providers, including GSuite. It's not so difficult actually and can be solved with SAML classes already implemented in IRIS for SOAP.

But this is the only Authentication, while SAML supports also supports provisioning, which I have not Implemented at the moment.


Try this

RUN wget -qO /dev/null --keep-session-cookies --save-cookies /dev/stdout --spider \
  --method POST --body-data="UserName=$WRC_USERNAME&Password=$WRC_PASSWORD" \
  '' \
 | wget -O - --load-cookies /dev/stdin \
 "" \
 | tar xvfzC - . 

Thanks, a lot, it may help.

But unfortunately, Export in case of Base64 does not work correctly, and anyway have to be fixed. Due to the specialty of Base64, a string which has to be encoded in a chunked manner, have to be devisable by 3. At the moment it reads original stream with default size of chunk, 32656 (instead of 32656\3*3=32655), so, base64 becomes incorrect, and decoded back is different from the original.

Hi Emmanuel,

This particular extension is for Visual Studio Code only, at the moment. Different IDEs I hope will come in the future. And possible for Visual Studio as well.

VSCode supports Cyrillic, so, don't see any possible issues with Hebrew.

Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio are two completely different projects. There is only one thing between them, both developed by Microsoft. Don't be confused by similar names. 

So, you should not be worried to use VSCode and Visual Studio on the same machine side by side.

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