go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 27, 2023 I wanted to add this ability to irissqlcli, I think it will be useful there.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 23, 2023 Go to Security, Web Applications, select /csp/user, which is default app for the USER namespace, or if you need it for another namespace, find default web application for that namespace. And check Analytics there, and save
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 22, 2023 You can use whatever you want, just remember about some caveats, like issue with bitslice/bitmap indexes, which requires numerical ID I would recommend using just a Unique Index for the UUID field and use it, it should cover most of the needs.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 16, 2023 I've done a similar task, with much bigger databases. And it was quite good. Mirroring working with data itself, not the on the block level. So, there should not be an issue, if you do not change data stored there.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 3, 2023 There are many why's, and this is one of them for sure. Another few things I found quite interesting It starts ECPWork too, even when CE does not have any networking available, including ECP It starts up to 7 AUXWD processes, not sure if there is any help from such amount if you have a limit of 10GB of databases there
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 3, 2023 Yeah, this may happen if Recurse flag is not checked for REST application. IRIS hides this flag for REST, but it is still in use, so, you would need to switch to CSP/ZEN, mark Recurse, and return back to REST
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Feb 1, 2023 iris.cpf file in the root of IRIS installation, contains these lines DefaultPort=1972 WebServerPort=52773
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Jan 30, 2023 If you use version 2022.2 it may not work, try with 2022.3 or 2022.1
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Jan 26, 2023 The difference in the user owner of the IRIS process, System Management portal is a web process and runing under system user of IRIS irisusr, and your terminal process is under your user.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Jan 19, 2023 well, in this case you may use method __setitem__ directly do ws."__setitem__"("A1", "blah")
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Jan 16, 2023 Should be quite simple, in some cases even without any configuration. Any ClassMethod has a shortcut to Debug it Some more settings for different cases, you can find here
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Jan 11, 2023 VSCode has such feature, from Menu Go -> Go to file, (cmd+P/ctrl+P)
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Jan 5, 2023 Yeah, that's really, so. Redis has that feature, so you can set a time to live for the value, and it will disappear after that. In IRIS The only way to have something that will be deleted automatically is, Process-Private Globals, but their time to live is tied to the process, and you would still need to clean up if your process is long living.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Jan 4, 2023 Any reasons for doing this? This is not how it is supposed to be. REST should answer with Status 401, and optionally with methods available. And web application when gets 401, it knows that it has to authorize the user, and shows its own page or initiates SSO, depending on the task. Anyway, if really do this way, It looks like %CSP.REST extends %CSP.Login, and it has Method Login Called for a REST page in the event of a login being required Did not test it, but I would expect it will do what requested
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 20, 2022 Atelier API is just for IDE, it's not supposed to call any custom call. There is a way, that you could call SQL Proc, via SQL Query. But it is not what I would recommend
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 9, 2022 Api Atelier was added with 2016.2, and it's the oldest version where it's available, you can't migrate it to an older version. You may ask InterSystems or someone else for help in the upgrading process.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 8, 2022 Not, it's for Windows only. Instead of Studio, you can use VSCode, it's available for any platform.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Dec 7, 2022 The trick is in using <TAB>, after the label in the first line, and before each line, I even can copy-paste the entire code from an editor to a terminal, I use iTerm in macOS, no idea how it works with other terminals.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Nov 8, 2022 "scheme": "https", Are you sure, that you need https, not plain http? Seems like, it's the issue