go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 31, 2023 Well, I did some notes about Vectors in my article, about the project I tried to implement. Basically, it's possible by using neural network based algorithms calculate vectors for any texts, index them in the database, and search using vector search for any text query. The results in this case will not find texts which are exact to the search query, but with using similarity, the closest to the query. And it can be used with mostly any language, types of the texts, files and so on, even pictures, or videos.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 31, 2023 FYI, incorrect login/password should be status 401403 when access to something above the granted roles use Status property in %CSP.Response set %response.Status = 401 // or set %response.Status = 403
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 30, 2023 Yeah, telnet obviously not recommended, and It's recommended to use SSH instead. Can be configured on Windows as well. Find any realization of SSH server for Windows, and use command to enter into Cache/IRIS using iris terminal IRIS or ccontrol terminal cache
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 30, 2023 Well, the example you used uses ClassMethod, which is like an any static method in other languages, and can be called directly with no issues. So, this definitely will work ClassMethod AnotherMethod() { do ##class(MyClass).Foo() } If you would want to do the same, but using instance methods, it can be done as well Assuming the super class, like this Class dc.MyClass Extends %RegisteredObject { Property Value As %String; Method Foo() { Write !,"MyClass:Foo - ", ..Value } } and child class Class dc.SubClass Extends MyClass { Method Foo() { Write !,"SubClass:Foo - ", ..Value } ClassMethod AnotherClassMethod() { set obj = ..%New() set obj.Value = "demo" Do obj.Foo() Write !,"-----" Do ##class(dc.MyClass)obj.Foo() Write !,"-----" Do obj.AnotherMethod() } Method AnotherMethod() { Do ##class(dc.MyClass)$this.Foo() } } The output will be this USER>do ##class(dc.SubClass).AnotherClassMethod() SubClass:Foo - demo ----- MyClass:Foo - demo ----- MyClass:Foo - demo And as you can see, the last two calls are working from a super class, and it keeps access to the object
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 26, 2023 I got you, and I think, that Robert's suggestion is the best at the moment.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 24, 2023 Instead of doing it this way, you can make it even with less code, using Python Embedded import iris status = iris.cls('%SYSTEM.OBJ').Load("Production.cls","ck") # It could be just like this, but OBJ not there # https://github.com/intersystems-community/embedded-python-bugreports/issues/2 # iris.system.OBJ.Load("Production.cls","ck")
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 24, 2023 $view, as far as I know has nothing to do with the question, view together with $view operates with Database blocks, read, and the dangerous part is to write to, if you wrongly use parameters, you can destroy the database file.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 24, 2023 No, do not touch $View and View, if you don't know what you are doing, this is low-level work, and you can damage the database file.
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 22, 2023 In my example, and recommended way, Python application supposed to go as a separate container, and logs of this container should be enough
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 22, 2023 ge=0, what do you expect from it? I suppose, you expect it to fail to insert values that less than 0. And this probably supposed to be implemented by using CHECK CONSTRAINTS, which IRIS SQL does not have. So, the only option right now is to implement it on Python side
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 19, 2023 Are you sure, you need Java 6? This version was released in 2006, why do you need such an old version,, I’m not even sure that version was even supported back than at all. You would need Cache as old as this Java too, then
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 19, 2023 Ahh, yes, you also need some Global Buffer for this size too
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 12, 2023 RedHat 8 should be supported by Cache, so, once you download distributive from WRC, you should be able to install it with no issues
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 10, 2023 While we have multiple architectures, it makes now it quite tricky to make IRIS for both x64 and arm64 You can look at this example, where we build IRIS Community with ZPM IRIS ARM64 does not work in emulated arm64, so, when you use some CI, which supports only x64 and offers qemu emulation to run ARM64 it will probably not work So, you may try do not start iris inside ARM64 builder, but just add some binires required
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 10, 2023 Yeah, but unfortunately, in my case, (see the screenshot above) I have no checkboxes at all, so, no control
go to post Dmitry Maslennikov · Oct 4, 2023 By the way, Python Embedded supports to be executed without entering any passwords, you can use environment variables for that.