go to post Michael Broesdorf · Aug 31, 2018 Today, I had the same issue today with Eclipse Photon / Atelier 1.2 installed in a Windows 10 VM - all server connections failed with a similar error.Looking under Help/Eclipse Marketplace, Tab "Installed", EGit was asking for an update.Installed it, restarted Eclipse and now things are working again.
go to post Michael Broesdorf · Nov 16, 2016 Here is a code sample that creates the Ensemble representation of an HL7 message from a string and sets it's metadata according to the information found in the MSH segment (using HL7 version 2.5 schema): /// Create EnsLib.HL7.Message object from HL7 string Method CreateHL7Message(pHL7String as %String, Output pHL7 As EnsLib.HL7.Message) As %Status { #Dim sc as %Status #Dim ex as %Exception.AbstractException #Dim tMSH as EnsLib.HL7.Segment Try { // Create HL7 message object set pHL7=##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).ImportFromString(pHL7String,.sc) $$$ThrowOnError(sc) // Determine DocType from MSH set tMSH=pHL7.getSegmentByIndex(1) set tName=tMSH.GetValueAt(9,":_~\&") set tDocType=##class(EnsLib.HL7.Schema).ResolveSchemaTypeToDocType("2.5",tName, sc) $$$ThrowOnError(sc) // Set DocType and build map set pHL7.DocType=tDocType set sc=pHL7.BuildMap() $$$ThrowOnError(sc) } Catch ex { // don't return HL7 object in case of an error kill pHL7 set sc=ex.AsStatus() } Quit sc } }