Whether you should be using the default transport layer of Zen and Zen Mojo or built your own REST interface depends on a couple of things:

  1. Your skill set and your development resources
  2. The size of your application
  3. How many different front-end interfaces you have to serve

If you have to serve multiple front-ends, e.g. a native mobile app, a web app and some data to a reporting layer then a REST interface makes you more flexible to actually meet the data needs of each of them without duplicating too much code.

If you just want to get your Zen/Zen Mojo application working without too much extra learning, the standard transport way is just fine.

In general REST interfaces are just a clean way to build your communication layer. If you make your REST calls in the Zen Mojo onGetContent method you will still get the benefits of client-side caching within Zen Mojo. The only real difference is that your data retrieval code now lives in a separate class (a subclass of %CSP.REST) instead of a Zen Mojo template.  

REST interfaces are indeed easier to test and debug as they can be tested by tools. The Zen / Zen Mojo client/server communication requires some knowledge if you really want to know what is going on.




the onevent callback is used for events like viewport adjustments and you should call this method for your custom event handlers.

Zen Mojo does not register to all possible events on a page in order to throw them at onevent. Page performance would be horrible. If you are interested in any additional events, like onkeydown, you have to register them in addition.



I haven't dealt with SSEs yet, but I can say that WebSockets work like a charm. 

SSEs are not using a special protocol, they work within the HTTP specification and are build on the server by setting the "Content-Type" header to "text/event-stream". From my understanding, this can be easily implemented with a CSP page. 

The reasons why SSEs are not as popular as WebSockets are:

SSEs have some interesting advantages over WS like the use of a simpler protocol, automatic reconnection, and event IDs.

SPAs can work with the browser back and forward button if the URL is updated and the page is pushed to the history stack.  The page Eduard refers to actually mentions this. The jQuery Mobile plugins do implement and support this, you can verify this by opening


in your browser (point it to your local instance) and play with it.

Currently, our Bootstrap plugin implementation does not support this, because we only implemented a helper plugin and not a page manager. Page managers are responsible for the overall behavior of the SPA.

Hi Fabio,

yes, in theory, there is a way how you can load other templates, but I do not encourage this approach as loading a template can be expensive.

It is better to use one of the following two approaches:

1) Generic utility functions should be placed in a javascript file that can be included

2) You can also build a base template that includes your utility functions and let your other template subclass the base template.

The second approach makes sense if it is unlikely that a given template that requires these utility functions will be loaded and you want to save the footprint. Otherwise, I would always stick to option 1.

Hi Simcha,

the best way to leverage this widget is to build your own bootstrap dual listbox plugin. Take a look at the code of the other plugins and make sure to check the documentation for creating helper plugins before you start:


Let us know if you encounter any difficulties.

N.B.: I should mention that you can also just create the proper HTML code in your layout, but then you have to manually call the initialization and refresh methods in your application code all the time.

You can index any property within a document and by default, we will construct a bitmap index, but all index types supported by Caché Objects are supported by the document data model as well. So yes, we do support indexing a nested path within a document.

I am always happy for a constructive discussion and to learn about different viewpoints. In the end, we all have a better understanding and can build better products and applications.