Question Derek Day · Aug 16, 2016 image/png support for Zen Reports / Apache FOP Has anyone configured Zen Reports/FOP to support png images? If you have, could you please share the library that you used, the configuration required, and whether it was worth it (vs converting images to one of the natively supported formats)? #ZEN #Caché 0 3 0 669
Question Derek Day · May 10, 2016 File I/O: Exclusive Writes without blocking Readers I have some logging code that outputs task status information to a log file. I would like to make the log available for reading while it is open for writing. The file is opened using the "L" option (Lock):Open tLogFile:"WASL" Set tLogOpen=1 #ObjectScript #Caché 0 2 0 389
Question Derek Day · Mar 9, 2016 Finding Developer Community Feedback There is no obvious way to provide feedback to the development community. In order to find the topic to find open discussions, I had to search for "feedback".There should be links in standard places; without doing research these place probably include: menu, front page, footer. #DC Feedback 4 10 0 278
Question Derek Day · Dec 15, 2015 SELECTING distinct keys from a collection Is there a way to select distinct keys from an field that has a collection index? I have a field defined as follows: Property data As %Library.String(COLLATION = "EXACT", MAXLEN = "", TRUNCATE = 0); Index data On data(KEYS) [ Type = bitmap ]; And I define a build value array method that parses my data outputs an array in the format array(KEYS)=VALUES. This is very useful because I can query my data using criteria such as WHERE FOR SOME %ELEMENT(data) (%KEY='param') My question is whether there is some way to select distinct key values, e.g. #Caché 0 1 0 533
Question Derek Day · Dec 8, 2015 Auditing Attempted Transactions / No Duplicate Journaling There seems to be little point to journal audit db updates; why rollback an audit entry for an attempted update? I’m working on some auditing code and I have a few questions (feel free to respond regarding 2016.1 or later). #Security #Caché 0 5 0 465