Try something like this:

  • Response Timeout: 10 (Timeout for getting a response from the server (the timeout for opening the connection to the server is always 5 seconds). Setting the timeout to -1 means wait forever.)
  • Reply Code Actions: E=R (R - Retry the message according to the configured RetryInterval and FailureTimeout; finally Fail unless a different action is also specified.)
  • Retry Interval: 1 (How frequently to retry access to the output system)
  • Failure Timeout: 60 (Total number of seconds to keep trying to deliver the message. After this number of seconds has elapsed, the business operation discards the message data and returns an error code. To ensure that no message is ever skipped, enter a Failure Timeout value of -1, which means 'Never time out'. Use a setting of -1 when complete data delivery is critical, for example in health care applications. )