- If I have a global available in a certain namespace, can I use InterSystems SQL to query those globals?  

- How do existing globals and creating classes work?  Like I have a Person global right now.  Can I turn that into a class and manipulate the data that way?

You'll need class mapping to query globals via SQL. Check article series  The Art of Mapping Globals to Classes by @Brendan Bannon.

- I'm used to Java where you can write a class and then write a driver class to test your classes and methods. Or simply just test your newly created classes and methods in the main method (wherever that lies in your code).  Is there something similar in Studio?  I can write classes but then they are compiled and I have to go to the terminal and test them?  Is this where routines come into play in Studio?

You can configure Studio or Atelier debugger to run any class method. There's no need to use routines for that.

If you're using InterSystems IRIS try this connection string (replacing values with appropriate):

"Driver=InterSystems ODBC Driver;Host=;Port=56772;Database=USER;UID=myUsername;PWD="

and for Caché/Ensemble try (driver name could be InterSystems ODBC):

"Driver=Cache ODBC Driver;Host=;Port=1972;Database=USER;UID=myUsername;PWD="

If the problem persist, check Audit log.

%ObjectToJSON writes stream to current device. You need to write to stream:

set oMetadata = ... /// metadata is from ADT message which is dynamic object
set stream = ##class(%Stream.GlobalCharacter).%New()
set tSC = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%WriteJSONStreamFromObject(stream, oMetadata)
quit:$$$ISERR(tSC) tSC
set request = ##class(Ens.StreamContainer).%New(stream)
set tSC = ..SendRequestAsync(..JSONOperation,stream,0,,..MetadataContext)  /// send the stream to operation 

And your JSONOperation should be able to accept messages of Ens.StreamContainer class.

I just checked Ens.BusinessService:SendRequestAsync signature and it's:

Method SendRequestAsync(pTargetDispatchName As %String, pRequest As %Library.Persistent, pDescription As %String = "") As %Status
So maybe the last line should be just:

 set tSC = ..SendRequestAsync(..JSONOperation, stream)

Finally, use %ZEN.Auxiliary.altJSONProvider instad of %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider. It's faster.

*** Do you see any drawback or issues with this? Can there be any other impact due to this?

This is absolutely not a recommended approach.

Here's how you can do it.

  1. Create your own class MyString that extends %String and specifies MAXLEN parameter (I recommend 5000 or 10000, but something specific in any case).
  2. Use %Dictionary package to iterate over all your persistent classes. In there:
    • open each class
    • iterate over its properties
    • change %String type if found to MyString
    • save class
  3. Recompile modified classes.

Also, if I follow your steps and open the eventlog I get the message ERROR #5580: SQL Privilege Violation: 'User Testuser is not privileged for the operation' SOURCE ELEMENT: %ZEN.Component.tablePane (table)

Testuser does not have required privileges to access Ens_Util.Log table. Add SELECT privilege for the Testuser. You may also need to add %DB_<DBNAME> role.

I previously got this error when trying to open the messagebank from the production configuration.

You'll need SELECT privilege on Ens.MessageHeader and %Ens_MessageHeader resource on U.

I have (sort of) accomplished this in Ensemble, but in HealthConnect/Share I just can't get it done.


I should clarify when I say monitor, I mean being actually able to see the production and navigate the message bank. Being able to see the routingrules and/or transformations would be nice, but not necesary.

Check other available pages and resources. There are separate resources for message headers, message contents, visual trace, rules and so on. Production config page is exactly for configuring production.

I don't think that behavior can be easily modified. JSON_OBJECT checks first symbol of a value and if it's a { or a [, does the conversion.

You can try %ZEN.Auxiliary.altJSONSQLProvider class to generate JSON from SQL queries.

we don't always know which properties will contain these values

Why? Can a property contain JSON or not JSON? You can also try to parse JSON on a first save and save individual values instead.

You need to write it. From docs:

You can execute your custom code when certain events occur. Two steps are required:

 1. Define the ^%ZSTART routine, the ^%ZSTOP routine, or both.

  • In these routines, you can define subroutines to execute when the certain activities start or stop.
  • ^%ZSTART and ^%ZSTOP must be defined in the %SYS namespace, although they can be mapped to a non-default database.

2. Use the Management Portal to configure Caché to invoke the desired subroutines.

Specifically, if you define the routine ^%ZSTART and ^%ZSTOP and you include subroutines with specific names, the system automatically calls these subroutines when the activity is beginning or ending. The subroutine names are as follows:

  • SYSTEM — Executed when Caché as a system starts or stops
  • LOGIN — Executed when a user performs a login or logout using the %Service_Console or Service_Telnet services.
  • JOB — Executed when a JOB begins or ends
  • CALLIN: — Executed when an external program begins or completes a CALLIN

For example, when a system starts, the system automatically invokes SYSTEM^%ZSTART, if that is defined and if you have used the Management Portal to enable this subroutine.

SYSTEM^%ZSTART and SYSTEM^%ZSTOP are run with $USERNAME set to $system and $ROLES set to %All. To run your code with a different username, use $SYSTEM.Security.Login() to set the desired name and then continue with your custom code. If you use JOB to launch any additional processes, those processes will inherit the same username (and roles) as the initiating process.

Enabling %ZSTART and %ZSTOP
Once the routines have been designed, developed, compiled, and are ready to be tested, individual entry points may be enabled through the Management Portal. Navigate to the Startup Settings page by selecting System Administration, then Configuration, then Additional Settings, then Startup Settings, and edit the appropriate individual settings:

  • SystemStart, SystemHalt
  • ProcessStart, ProcessHalt
  • JobStart, JobHalt
  • CallinStart, CallinHalt

To deactivate one or more of the entry points, use the same procedure but change the value to false.

Yeah, there's not much info.

To create inventory scan call:

set in = ##class(Inventory.Scanner).RunScan("Version 1")
set dbU = ##class(Inventory.DatabaseComponent).%New()
do dbU.Init(in,"C:\InterSystems\Ensemble\mgr\db\CACHE.DAT")
do in.RootComponent.AddComponent(dbU)                 
set sc = in.%Save()
//do in.WriteToFile("c:\Temp\scanVersion"_$tr($zdt($h,8)," :","Z")_".xml")

And to get diff between two versions/times use SQL:

FROM Inventory.RoutineComponent s1
JOIN Inventory.RoutineComponent s2 ON s1.Name=s2.Name
WHERE s1.scan=1 AND s2.scan=2 AND NOT s1.SHA1Hash=s2.SHA1Hash

it would return items with hashes changed between scan 1 and 2. The same query can be further modified to accept timestamps, etc.