1. Import task has these two qualifiers:


They do not affect import.

2. No. If you check exported xml, you can see that exported tasks do not contain IDs, so, on import they could not overwrite existing tasks. Not sure about how correlate/next work on ID fields btw.

Exporting and importing what is currently present is the best way. 

It's the easiest way. The best way would be to write and document  a script (ObjectScript code) that transforms base instance into what they need. This way changes are documented and adding another server is easy.


  1. Open Chrome
  2. Go to Settings | Manage search engines...
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the window
  4. In Add a new search engine, enter InterSystems
  5. For Keyword, enter i
  6. For URL, enter one of:
  7. Click Done

After that you'll be able to search InterSystems documentation in Chrome address  bar by typing:

i keyword

and pressing Enter.

Compilation is usually multi-process, I'd try single-process compilation and see how it works:

$SYSTEM.OBJ.Compile(.classes, "/multicompile=0")

Multicompile qualifier:

           Name: /multicompile
    Description: Enable use of work queue manager (optionally specify the number of workers if value >1)
           Type: string

UPD. Who throws a RESJOB? Do you want to kill compile process from external process (that was my idea)? Or do you want to terminate abnormally?  If it's the second you need to check errolog from Compile method and terminate the process explicitly:

do $system.Process.Terminate(, 1)

Also I wrote a series of articles on managing Continuous Delivery process. Check it out.

There are several approaches available:

1. Automatic conversion of XSL(X) to CSV is possible using LibreOffice. Here's an article on how to do that.

2. Use Java library, such as Apache POI to traverse the cells and send results back. To send results back quickly and efficiently you can use String[] type and fill it with $lb built on Java side. String[] would become %ListOfDataTypes in Cache and $lb would remain $lb.

I've done some preliminary work but didn't get around to finishing or publishing it so here's a sample code that outputs list to console:

package isc.poi;

import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.io.File;

import static org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.CellType.*;

public class Main {

    public static String ROWSEPARATOR = "\t\t\t";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {

    public static String[] Test1 () throws Exception{
        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

        File file = GetFile();
        Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(file);
        Iterator<Sheet> sheetIterator = workbook.sheetIterator();
            Sheet sheet = sheetIterator.next();
            String name  = sheet.getSheetName();
            String value = null;

            Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator();
            while (rows.hasNext()) {
                Row row = (Row) rows.next();

                for(int i=0; i<row.getLastCellNum(); i++) {
                    Cell cell = row.getCell(i, Row.MissingCellPolicy.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK);
                    if (cell.getCellTypeEnum() == FORMULA) {
                        switch(cell.getCachedFormulaResultTypeEnum()) {
                            case NUMERIC:
                                value = String.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue());
                            case STRING:
                                value = cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString();
                    } else {
                        value = cell.toString();
                    ///System.out.print("'" + cell.toString() + "'"+" ");

            /*for (Row row : sheet) {
                for (Cell cell : row) {
                    System.out.print(cell.toString()+" ");
                    //int i=1;
        String[] result = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);
        return result;

    public static File GetFile () {
        File file = new File("D:\\Cache\\POI\\Book1.xlsx");

        return file;

    public static Object Test(Object in)
        String[] ret = new String[1];
        ret[0] = "144";
        return ret;

I'd run a BS with SQL inbound adapter called every 86400 seconds. Query is some SELECT Count(*) ...

To get optimal WHERE condition you'll probably need to answer these questions:

  • Are records immutable?
  • Can they be updated?
  • Can records be deleted?
  • Can records be inserted for a past/future dates?

If it's a local table you can run BS without adapter and just use embedded SQL.

There are two use cases here:

  • File is tied to a specific object (for example you have "Document" class and it has "scan" file). In that case you can use %FileBinaryStream property - as before getting the file you would probably open "Document" object first
  • File is not tied to a specific object. In that case you can create a separate table "Files" that stores
    • link to file as a FileBinaryStream
    • hash
    • displayed file name
    • file path
    • user who uploaded the file
    • extension
    • size
    • any other attributes you need

It would always work faster compared to OS search.

Other notes:

  • Files are immutable - if you're building an application where user can edit files, it's usually preferable to have immutable "files" objects and just create new file versions.
  • File size limits - always define and check for maximum size.
  • Extension limits - limit extensions user can upload.
  • Storage - if it's a low volume inserts (<1000/day) store files in a folder = date, otherwise generate a new folder for each new thousand of files. These approaches can be combined: date/1, date/2 ...
  • Hash name - I often store files where their OS name is their hash. This way I can quickly validate that file is valid and also it  solves the problems with non-latin characters.
  • Never store files under names supplied by user. Acceptable filenames are: guid, hash (integer id should also be avoided).
  • GZIP - in some cases using GZIP streams can save on space, especially if it's a text file. For example XML envelopes and such.

Try to check who calls GetBatchHeader and what it returns.

At a glance, I think it's called from GetBatchObject method of EnsLib.RecordMap.Service.BatchStandard class:

Set tStatus = $classmethod(..BatchClass, "GetBatchHeader", pIOStream, pTimeout, .pBatch, .pLookAhead)
If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit

Check that tStatus is not an error, fix GetBatchHeader it if it's an error.