There is also comma after the ColumnA column, which causes invalid SQL. You should also check value of SQLCODE variable, because ouput host variables are valid only for SQLCODE=0 as described in Caché documentation:

"It is good programming practice to check the SQLCODE value immediately after exiting Embedded SQL. Output host variable values should only be used when SQLCODE=0."

So the code should look as follows:

 <script language="cache" method="retrieveDetail" arguments="pVariable" returntype="%String">
 &sql( select ColumnA into :tempVariable1 from  MyTable where  COLUMNC = :pVariable)
 If SQLCODE=0 QUIT tempVariable1}
 Else {quit ""}

Will it help?

Can you also post how do you get the status and how/where do you get the 5034 error? Is it directly from saving the object? E.g.:

 Set status=object.%Save()
 Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status)

What Caché version do you use? In newer versions the error also returns status in parameter:
5034 Invalid status code structure (%1)


USER>Set sc=$lb(0,"xxx")
USER>Do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(sc)
ERROR #5034: Invalid status code structure ($lb(0,"xxx"))

Regarding your first question:

You can use a runtime expression as the value of excelSheetName.  This is described in following documentation:

For example you can define property, which takes value from URL request:

Property SheetName As %String(ZENURL = "sheetname") [ InitialExpression = "Person" ];

And in the report definition:

< group name="Persons" excelSheetName='!..SheetName'
    sql="SELECT top 2 name,Home_City as city,age,dob from Sample.Person order by Home_City"

Then you call your report like:


Without your code we cannot guess what can cause the error. If you send us example of your code, we can check what is not working as expected.

Anyway, this is en example which works. According to your request/response I think you are talking about web service, therefore I created simple Caché WebService classes:

Class Extends  
(%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)
Property  to As  list Of XMLPROJECTION =  "ELEMENTREF");

 Class Extends  (%RegisteredObject , %XML.Adaptor )
Property name As %String(XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Property address1 As %String(XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");

 Class tv.PartyService Extends %SOAP.WebService [ ProcedureBlock ]
Parameter SERVICENAME = "PartyService";
Parameter NAMESPACE = "";
Method CheckData(party As As %Integer [ WebMethod ]

Then I created SOAP web client using SoapUI and sent following request with 3 'to' items:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:s="">
            <s:to name="mohan" address1="India"/>
            <s:to name="sujay" address1="USA"/>
            <s:to name="tomas" address1="Europe"/>

And I received the correct response:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:s="">
      <CheckDataResponse xmlns="">

Without your code we cannot guess what can cause the error.

Anyway, this is en example which works. According to your request/response I think you are talking about web service, therefore I created simple Caché WebService classes:

Class Extends  (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)
Property  to As  list Of XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENTREF");
Class Extends  (%RegisteredObject , %XML.Adaptor )
Property name As %String(XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Property address1 As %String(XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Class tv.PartyService Extends %SOAP.WebService [ ProcedureBlock ]
Parameter SERVICENAME = "PartyService";
Parameter NAMESPACE = "";
Method CheckData(party As As %Integer [ WebMethod ]

Then I created SOAP web client using SoapUI and sent following request with 3 'to' items:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:s="">
            <s:to name="mohan" address1="India"/>
            <s:to name="sujay" address1="USA"/>
            <s:to name="tomas" address1="Europe"/>

And I received the correct response:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:s="">
      <CheckDataResponse xmlns="">

If you send as your code, we can check what is not working as expected.

The %Stream.GlobalBinary/GlobalCharacter doesn't support to add/save Attributes. You would need to use the %Library stream classes to be able to do it - %Library.GlobalBinaryStream/%Library.GlobalCharacterStream.

The reason is in difference how the ID of the stream is created and saved in persistent data. For %Stream.GlobalBinary/GlobalCharacter only the ID number is stored in database, while for %Library.GlobalBinaryStream/%Library.GlobalCharacterStream the full OID is saved to database and it contains also name of the global (=stream location) and type of the stream. The ID of such stream contains also all added attributes.

Here is an example:

 Class Test.streamtest Extends %Persistent
Property Stream1 As %Stream.GlobalCharacter;

Property Stream2 As %GlobalCharacterStream;

ClassMethod FillData() As %Status
  // kill existing data
 DO ##class(Test.streamtest).%KillExtent()
 KILL ^Test.streamtestS
  // create a new record
 SET obj=##class(Test.streamtest).%New()
 DO obj.Stream1.Write("Stream1 data")
 DO obj.Stream2.Write("Stream2 data")
 DO obj.Stream2.SetAttribute("ContentDisposition","inline; filename=test.txt")
 SET sc=obj.%Save()
  // display id of streams
 SET id1=obj.Stream1.%Id() ZWRITE id1
 SET id2=obj.Stream2.%Id() ZWRITE id2
  // display stored data
 WRITE ! ZWRITE ^Test.streamtestD,^Test.streamtestS
 QUIT sc


And result:

USER>d ##class(Test.streamtest).FillData()
"ContentDisposition"_$c(27,1)_"inline; filename=test.txt"
"ContentDisposition"_$c(27,1)_"inline; filename=test.txt","%Library.GlobalCharacterStream"))
^Test.streamtestS(1,1)="Stream1 data"
^Test.streamtestS(2,1)="Stream2 data"

Parsing is not difficult using the $PIECE COS function:


parseURLQuery(sURL,data) PUBLIC {
  Do ##class(%Net.URLParser).Parse(sURL,.aComponents)
  Set query=aComponents("query")
  For i=1:1:$Length(query,"&") {
    Set qry=$Piece(query,"&",i),name=$Piece(qry,"=",1),value=$Piece(qry,"=",2)
    Set data(name)=value


And result:


USER>Set url=""
USER>Do parseURLQuery^test(url,.data) ZWrite data


You may also consider encoding of given page, because the URL query can be encoded and in different charset (e.g. UTF-8), so in such case you should also decode the value and translate it from given charset:

   Set data(name)=$zconvert($zconvert(value,"I","URL"),"I","UTF8")

For file character streams you need to specify TranslateTable property, which is internal translation table based on your locale. 

For translation to utf-8 you need to set:

 set  fileStream   ##class( %FileCharacterStream). %New()
 set  fileStream .Filename  fileLocation

 set fileStream .TranslateTable ="UTF8"

 set status  fileStream .CopyFromAndSave (rtn .Code )

It should help.

You can use Caché Studio > New Property wizard to get correct definition of "collection" property, select options - "A collection of Type" = array/list , "Containing elements of type" = %Date.

It then creates a definition:

Property DOB As array Of %Date;

You can set and access array data as follows:

ClassMethod Test()
 // Get values
 Set obj=##class( collect.arraylist).%New()
 Do obj.DOB.SetAt($h,"key1")
 Do obj.DOB.SetAt($h-1,"key2")
 Do obj.DOB.SetAt($h-2,"key3")
 // Get values
 Write "Count: ",obj.DOB.Count(),!
 Set key=""
 Set date=obj.DOB.GetNext(.key)
 IF key'="" Write "Data:",!
 while (key'="")
   Write key,?5,$zd(date),!
   Set date=obj.DOB.GetNext(.key)
 Write !,"Data at key2: ",$zd(obj.DOB.GetAt("key2"))

You can use Caché Studio > New Property wizard to get correct definition of "collection" property, select options - "A collection of Type" = array/list , "Containing elements of type" = %Date.

It then creates a definition:

Property DOB As array Of %Date;

You can set and access array data as follows:

ClassMethod Test()
 // Get values
 Set obj=##class( collect.arraylist).%New()
 Do obj.DOB.SetAt($h,"key1")
 Do obj.DOB.SetAt($h-1,"key2")
 Do obj.DOB.SetAt($h-2,"key3")
 // Get values
 Write "Count: ",obj.DOB.Count(),!
 Set key=""
 Set date=obj.DOB.GetNext(.key)
 IF key'="" Write "Data:",!
 while (key'="")
   Write key,?5,$zd(date),!
   Set date=obj.DOB.GetNext(.key)
 Write !,"Data at key2: ",$zd(obj.DOB.GetAt("key2"))