Hi, Russel!

You can always use $name for any operations with  global name, either simple as ^G or with subscripts as "^G(1,"something").

It is intended for this.

In your case it would look like:

set x=$Name(^G)

or you can set global name with subscript, e.g.:

Set x=$Name(^G(1,"second"))

It's very convenient to use indirection operator @ in this case to deal with variable with global name inside.

E.g. you can refer to any subscript with global inside x, like this:

set @x@(1)=2

which would be equal to:

set ^G(1,"second",1)=2

And with your $Order example you can have:

USER> set x=$Na(^G(1,"second"))
USER> set @x@(1)=2
USER> set y=$O(@x@(""))
USER> write y