There is a GitHub Studio Hook already built out there in the wild. I wouldn't rewrite another one if I were you...

On the other hand, I wouldn't use this hook exactly because it generates XML exports of our files and I hate seeing my source code as XML on GitHub.

Instead, I would use Atelier with EGit plugin connected to my local Caché server. If you don't like Atelier, you can still use Studio if you want to. You will spend most of your time working with Studio on your local machine. When you are ready to commit your work to GitHub, you can open Atelier, synchronize your source code (what will export each class/routine to plain text files with your plain source code instead of XML) and commit the changes to GitHub.

It's like using Atelier as you would use Tortoise, except that Tortoise won't connect to Caché and export all/import all your source code for you like Atelier does... ;)

I like Atelier. I am used to it. Try it and maybe you will like it too. I can't wait to see the new release of it! Good luck!


I am not sure if I understood your questions. But here is an explanation that may help you...

If you want to run a SQL query filtering by a date

Let's take Sample.Person class on the SAMPLES namespace as an example. There is a DOB (date of birth) field of type %Date. This stores dates in the $Horolog format of Caché (an integer that counts the number of dates since 12/32/1940.

If your date is in the format DD/MM/YYYY (for instance), you can use TO_DATE() function to run your query and convert this date string to the $Horolog number:

select * from Sample.Person where DOB=TO_DATE('27/11/1950','DD/MM/YYYY')

That will work independently of the runtime mode you are on (Display, ODBC or Logical).

On the other hand, if you are running your query with Runtime Select Mode ODBC, you could reformat your date string to the ODBC format (YYYY-MM-DD) and don't use TO_DATE():

select * from Sample.Person where DOB='1950-11-27'

That still is converting the string '1950-11-27' to the internal $Horolog number that is:

USER>w $ZDateH("1950-11-27",3)


If you already has the date on the internal $Horolog format you could run your query using Runtime Select Mode Logical:

select * from Sample.Person where DOB=40142

You can try these queries on the management portal. Just remember changing the 

If you are using dynamic queries with %Library.ResultSet or %SQL.Statement, set the Runtime Mode (%SelectMode property on %SQL.Statement) before running your query.

If you want to find records from a moving window of 30 days

The previous query brought, on my system, the person "Jafari,Zeke K.".  He was born on 1950-11-27. The following query will bring all people that was born on '1950-11-27' and 30 days before '1950-11-27'. I will use DATE_ADD function to calculate this window. I have also selected ODBC Runtime Select Mode to run the query:

select Name, DOB from Sample.Person where DOB between DATEADD(dd,-30,'1950-11-27') and '1950-11-27'

Two people will appear on my system: Jafari and Quixote. Quixote was born '1950-11-04'. That is inside the window. 

Moving window with current_date

You can use current_date to write queries such as "who has been born between today and 365 days ago?":

select Name, DOB from Sample.Person where DOB between DATEADD(dd,-365,current_date) and current_date

Using greater than or less than

You can also use >, >=, < or <= with dates like this:

select Name, DOB from Sample.Person where DOB >= DATEADD(dd,-365,current_date) 

Just be careful with the Runtime Select Mode. The following works with ODBC Runtime Select Mode, but won't work with Display or Logical Mode:

select Name, DOB from Sample.Person where DOB >= DATEADD(dd,-30,'1950-11-27') and DOB<='1950-11-27'

To make this work with Logical Mode, you would have to apply TO_DATE to the dates first:

select Name, DOB from Sample.Person where DOB >= DATEADD(dd,-30,TO_DATE('1950-11-27','YYYY-MM-DD')) and DOB<=TO_DATE('1950-11-27','YYYY-MM-DD')

To make it work with display mode, format the date accordingly to your NLS configuration. Mine would be 'DD/MM/YYYY' because I am using a spanish location.


It looks like you are trying to implement security on your class model instead of just configuring it. I think you only need a single class with all the properties. Then you will give user A full access to the table by configuring this user on a Role that gives him INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT privileges. 

User B would be assigned to another role that would give it SELECT privilege only.

And if User B can only see a subset of columns from your table, then configure row level security using the Role information on $Role. InterSystems documentation here explains row level security configuration very clearly.

This is a quick an dirty code I just wrote that can convert simple JSON strings to XML. Sometimes, the JSON will be simple enough for simple code like this... I am not a JSON expert but maybe this can be a good starting point for something better.

This will work only on Caché 2015.2+.

Call the Test() method of the following class:

Class Util.JSONToXML Extends %RegisteredObject

ClassMethod Test()
    Set tSC = $System.Status.OK()
        Set oJSON={"Prop1":"Value1","Prop2":2}
        Set tSC = ..JSONToXML(oJSON.%ToJSON(), "Test1", .tXML1)
        Write tXML1
        Write !!
        Set oJSON2={"Prop1":"Value1","Prop2":2,"List":["Item1","Item2","Item3"]}
        Set tSC = ..JSONToXML(oJSON2.%ToJSON(), "Test2", .tXML2)
        Write tXML2
        Write !!
        Set oJSON3={
                "cars": [
                    { "name":"Ford", "models":[ "Fiesta", "Focus", "Mustang" ] },
                    { "name":"BMW", "models":[ "320", "X3", "X5" ] },
                    { "name":"Fiat", "models":[ "500", "Panda" ] }
        Set tSC = ..JSONToXML(oJSON3.%ToJSON(), "Test3", .tXML3)
        Write tXML3

    Catch (oException)
        Set tSC =oException.AsStatus()
    Do $System.Status.DisplayError(tSC)

ClassMethod JSONToXML(pJSONString As %String, pRootElementName As %String, Output pXMLString As %String) As %Status
        Set tSC = $System.Status.OK()
            Set oJSON = ##class(%Library.DynamicObject).%FromJSON(pJSONString)
            Set pXMLString="<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>"_$C(13,10)
            Set pXMLString=pXMLString_"<"_pRootElementName_">"_$C(13,10)
            Set tSC = ..ConvertFromJSONObjectToXMLString(oJSON, .pXMLString)
            Set pXMLString=pXMLString_"</"_pRootElementName_">"_$C(13,10)
        Catch (oException)
            Set tSC = oException.AsStatus()
        Quit tSC

ClassMethod ConvertFromJSONObjectToXMLString(pJSONObject As %Library.DynamicAbstractObject, Output pXMLString As %String) As %Status
        Set tSC = $System.Status.OK()
            Set iterator = pJSONObject.%GetIterator()
            While iterator.%GetNext(.key, .value)
                Set tXMLKey=$TR(key," ")
                Set pXMLString=pXMLString_"<"_tXMLKey_">"
                If value'=""
                    If '$IsObject(value)
                        Set pXMLString=pXMLString_value
                        Set pXMLString=pXMLString_$C(13,10)
                        If value.%ClassName()="%DynamicObject"
                            Set tSC = ..ConvertFromJSONObjectToXMLString(value, .pXMLString)
                        ElseIf value.%ClassName()="%DynamicArray"
                            Set arrayIterator = value.%GetIterator()
                            While arrayIterator.%GetNext(.arrayKey, .arrayValue)
                                Set pXMLString=pXMLString_"<"_tXMLKey_"Item key="""_arrayKey_""">"
                                If '$IsObject(arrayValue)
                                    Set pXMLString=pXMLString_arrayValue
                                    Set tSC = ..ConvertFromJSONObjectToXMLString(arrayValue, .pXMLString)
                                Set pXMLString=pXMLString_"</"_tXMLKey_"Item>"_$C(13,10)
                Set pXMLString=pXMLString_"</"_tXMLKey_">"_$C(13,10)
            } //While
        Catch (oException)
            Set tSC = oException.AsStatus()
        Quit tSC


Here is the output:

Do ##class(Util.JSONToXML).Test()
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ListItem key="0">Item1</ListItem>
<ListItem key="1">Item2</ListItem>
<ListItem key="2">Item3</ListItem>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<carsItem key="0"><name>Ford</name>
<modelsItem key="0">Fiesta</modelsItem>
<modelsItem key="1">Focus</modelsItem>
<modelsItem key="2">Mustang</modelsItem>
<carsItem key="1"><name>BMW</name>
<modelsItem key="0">320</modelsItem>
<modelsItem key="1">X3</modelsItem>
<modelsItem key="2">X5</modelsItem>
<carsItem key="2"><name>Fiat</name>
<modelsItem key="0">500</modelsItem>
<modelsItem key="1">Panda</modelsItem>
I hope that helps!
Kind regards,


If you are not using OS single sign-on, this shell script should do it:





  • SuperUser - Is your username
  • superuserpassword - Is your SuperUser password

I have chosen SECURITY menu options 1, then option 3. Then I hit ENTER until I exited ^SECURITY routine and terminated the session with the halt command.

If you are using OS single sign-on, remove these two first lines since Caché won't ask for them.

The blank lines after number 3 are the ENTERs you enter to go up into the menu hierarchy until you exit.

The halt is necessary to avoid an error such as the following:


You can do more complex stuff with this technique such as validate errors and return unix error codes to your shell so that you can know if the operation was successful or not:



Set tSC = ##class(SomeClass).SomeMethod()
If $System.Status.IsError(tSC) Do $System.Status.DisplayError(tSC) Do $zu(4,$j,1) ;Failure!

Do $zu(4,$j,0) ;OK!

The $zu(4,$j,rc) will halt the session and return the return code on rc to your shell script. As you can notice, the Halt command is not necessary when using this $zu function.

I hope that helps!

Kind regards,



     Assuming you meant "BPL" (Business Process Language) instead of "DTL" (Data Transformation Langue):

     If you simply want your Business Operation to try forever until it gets it done:

  •  On the BPL, make a synchronous call or make an asynchronous call with a sync activity for it
  •  On the BO, set FailureTime=-1. Also, try to understand the "Reply Code Actions" setting of your Business Operation. You don't want to retry for all kinds of errors. You probably want to retry for some errors and failure for others. If you set FailureTime=-1 and your Reply Code  Actions decides to retry for that kind of error, it will retry forever until it gets it done. If your Reply code Actions decides to fail for other types of errors, it will return an error to your Business Process.
  •  If you know that, for some errors, the BO will return a failure, protect the call you just did on your BPL with a scope action so you can capture this and take additional actions.

More about "Reply Code Actions" here.

Kind regards,

Amir Samary

Hi Eduard!

Here is a simple way of finding it out:

select top 1 TimeLogged from ens_util.log

where configname='ABC_HL7FileService' 

and SourceMethod='Start' 

and Type='4' --Info

order by %ID desc

You put the logical name of your component on the configname. There is a bitmap index on both Type and ConfigName so this should be blazing fast too! Although, for some reason, the query plan is not using Type:
Relative cost = 329.11
    Read bitmap index Ens_Util.Log.ConfigName, using the given %SQLUPPER(ConfigName), and looping on ID.

    For each row:
    - Read master map Ens_Util.Log.IDKEY, using the given idkey value.
    - Output the row.
    Kind regards,

    I normally use a Web Application for serving CSP pages and static files and another for the REST calls. I configure one under the other like:

    • /csp/myapp
    • /csp/myapp/rest

    And I configure both with the same Group ID, with session cookie and set the UseSession parameter on the Dispatcher class. That way, once logged in through CSP, the rest calls will just work without requiring login.

    Kind regards,

    Amir Samary

    Hi Sean!

    Thank you for your analysis. But try doing it with a %CSP.REST service instead of a %CSP.Page. %CSP.REST overrides the Page() method with a completely new one. The behavior is different because it is on the Page() method that the IO translation table is set up.

    It looks like my problem was related to the fact that I didn't have the CHARSET parameter declared on my main %CSP.REST dispatcher. I only had it on the %CSP.REST delegates. When I put it on the main dispatcher, it worked perfectly.

    But you may be onto something... I would rather specify the charset the way you do (on the javascript call) because I may want to use the same %CSP.REST dispatcher to receive a binary file or something other than UTF-8. That is an excellent point. Thank you very much for this tip. I will do what you said and try to remove the CHARSET parameter from both my main %CSP.REST dispatcher and delegates and see what happens. I will let you know!

    Kind regards,

    Amir Samary

    Ok... I think I have found how to do it.

    The problem was that I use a Main dispatcher %CSP.REST class that routes the REST calls to other %CSP.REST classes that I will call the delegates.

    I had the CHARSET parameter on the delegates but not on the main router class! I just added it to the main router class and it worked!

    So, in summary, to avoid doing $ZConvert everywhere with REST applications, make sure you have both parameters CONVERTINPUTSTREAM=1 and CHARSET="utf-8". It won't hurt having the CHARSET declarations on your CSP and HTML pages as well like:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <CSP:PARAMETER Name="CHARSET" Value="utf-8">
        <title>My tasks</title>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />

    Kind regards,

    Amir Samary

    Hi Danny!

    That is exactly what I want to avoid...

    If you have written simple old style CSP applications, you will remember that CSP infrastructure will do this translation for you. UTF-8 comes in, but you don't notice it because by the time you need to store it on the database, it is already converted into the character encoding used by the database. And when you write that data from the database back to the user to compose a new html page, it is again translated to UTF-8.

    I was expecting the same behavior with %CSP.REST. 

    Why %CSP.REST services go only half way? I mean:

    • If I do nothing and leave CONVERTINPUTSTREAM=0, data will come in as utf-8 and I will save it on the database as utf-8. Then, when I need to give back the data to the page, it will present itself ok, since it is utf-8. But the data on the database is not on the right encoding and that will cause different problems. To avoid these problems, I must do what you suggest and use $ZConvert on everything. 
    • If I set CONVERTINPUTSTREAM=1, data will come in as utf-8 and be translated by %CSP.REST/%CSP.Page infrastructure and I will save it on the database using whatever encoding Caché uses to store Unicode characters on the database. So, I am avoiding doing the $ZConvert my self. It is done automatically. But then, when I need to use that stored data to show a new page, %CSP.REST won’t translate it back to utf-8 and it will be presented as garbage. So I am required to use $ZConvert to do the translation myself what is absurd and inelegant since %CSP.REST has done half of the job for me already.

    So, I want to use CONVERTINPUTSTREAM=1 to mimic the typical behavior of CSP pages that you describe and we all love. But it goes only halfway for some reason and I wonder what could I do to fix this right now for my client. 

    Do you realize that CONVERTINPUTSTREAM is good thing? I am only sorry that we don't have CONVERTOUTPUTSTREAM...

    Kind regards,
