go to post David Reche · Jan 17, 2018 It can be change from preferences >> atelier >> colors but there are too much colors to customize
go to post David Reche · Jan 17, 2018 I tested this https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/darkest-dark-theme-wdevstyle and have the same problem, the editor still with background white
go to post David Reche · Jul 24, 2017 The installation should be done using root or sudoing. Moreover in order to use a specific user/group to owner the instance, I normally create first the user and add it to Wheel, Admin and any group you want, and after: [root@xxx]# ./cinstall Your system type is 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (x64)'. Enter instance name <ENSEMBLE>: Enter a destination directory for the new instance. Directory: /engine/ensemble Directory '/engine/ensemble' does not exist. Do you want to create it <Yes>? Select installation type. 1) Development - Install Ensemble server and all language bindings 2) Server only - Install Ensemble server 3) Custom Setup type <1>? 3 Disk blocks required = 2792344 Disk blocks available = 15482688 How restrictive do you want the initial Security settings to be? "Minimal" is the least restrictive, "Locked Down" is the most secure. 1) Minimal 2) Normal 3) Locked Down Initial Security settings <1>? 2 What user should be the owner of this instance? ensemble A Cache account will also be created for user ensemble. Install will create the following Ensemble accounts for you: _SYSTEM, Admin, SuperUser, CSPSystem and ensemble. Please enter the common password for these accounts: ensemble Re-enter the password to confirm it: ensemble What group should be allowed to start and stop this instance? ensemble Do you want to configure additional security options <No>? y What is the effective group for Ensemble processes <cacheusr>? ensemble What is the effective user for the Cache SuperServer and its jobs <cacheusr>? ensemble Hope helps
go to post David Reche · Jul 24, 2017 Did you install as root user or sudoing?Also I prefer to create a specific user/group to own the instance not use root/Admin. This sound as a privileges problem for me.Can you force the stop, remove the instance an install again?
go to post David Reche · Jul 14, 2017 But Eduard, the file order is not alphabetical, I guess your solution is only for alphabetical consumptionRight?
go to post David Reche · Jun 25, 2017 OK. I downloaded and installed Eclipse Oxygen from here http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-javascript-and-web-developers/oxygenrc3 and after I added the Atelier plugin from Help >> Install New Software. So finally I get:So I understand the installation has finished and I have the Atelier stuff right?
go to post David Reche · Jun 25, 2017 As Atelier 1.0 is based on Eclipse Neon (4.6) and Atelier 1.1 is based on Oxygen (4.7), can we upgrade from Atelier 1.0 to Atelier 1.1? I'm a Mac user. Can we get at the same time the released Atelier 1.0 and Atelier Beta? Is it a good approach to install Oxygen and the Atelier plugin or there is a standalone installation for Atelier 1.1?
go to post David Reche · May 23, 2017 I was waiting for the answer :-(Another one, There is something like "Goto (F12)" (in the right click menu) in Atelier?
go to post David Reche · Apr 25, 2017 Done!I didn't saw that optionThanks for this "double" lesson ;-)
go to post David Reche · Mar 27, 2017 Maybe you can develop a COS script that you can reuse. This script should create the accounts and make some checks.We have a project where combine this script with a OS level script (using any shell you want) able to execute the COS task in each instance. It's a lot of work to make it but once developed it saves a lot of time.
go to post David Reche · Mar 17, 2017 ... Also, with the second approach to use SearchTables at BS is not going to be possible...
go to post David Reche · Mar 17, 2017 Hello,The common approach is set the schema category in the Business Service. If you want to capture everything at BS, this is the right approach if you are using only one HL7 Schema (2.5 for example). But if you use several HL7 Schemas then is better to get them separate in order to use different BS (each one with their own schema).In any case you can use a main entry point (BS) don't set the HL7 category at BS and set it "manually" at Business Process stage. This approach is not the most elegant because all the messages arrives at BP (with map errors, and without the DocType set). Then search or process them is more complicated.Hope this help
go to post David Reche · Feb 27, 2017 Nice, I didn't know that option.In the "old days" I simply rename or delete the CStudioXXX.dll (where XXX denote the language) at bin directory. Then the default english configuration was used.Thanks
go to post David Reche · Jan 16, 2017 I understand and am clear about the so "wide" of my question :-)I wonder if there is something not so complex or something "done" to send directly to a web page the results of a WRITE command. This is something common in Ensemble when creating a namespace or DeepSee Portal when compile or Build a Cube.Maybe there is a Zen component or sample CSP/Javascript that do that, etc.Regards
go to post David Reche · May 4, 2016 Thanks Dimitry!! That was my alternative but I think the parsing error should not happen.