go to post Andreas Dieckow · Jul 1, 2019 I think the link is not wrong, but stops at the directory above the components folder. Your link if our course on click faster ;)
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Mar 15, 2019 I updated the original statement to include that with Caché and Ensemble 2018.1.2 we added support for two new platforms:Ubuntu 18.04Windows Server 2019.1
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Feb 26, 2019 InterSystems has completed the verification process for running our products on Windows Server 2019.InterSystems IRIS is now supported with 2019.1 and laterCaché and Ensemble are now supported with version 2017.2 and laterInterSystems found no issues and existing kits are supported.
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Feb 5, 2019 We currently anticipate that this version will be supported on Windows Server 2019, but we will have to wait for the conclusion of our verification process to be sure.
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Jan 7, 2019 InterSystems is finishing up some additional tasks for InterSystems IRIS Studio. It will be available as a separate download and I will make an announcement here when it is available.
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Jul 16, 2018 Thanks for all your questions and comments. A bit more of an explanation: We’re reviewing our plans beyond Atelier 1.3 in order to radically improve the developer experience with InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. We welcome your ideas and feedback, and invite private communication to ensure that our plans are sound. In the meantime:· If you are using Studio and happy with it, keep using it. We are maintaining it indefinitely and are happy that there are so many active developers and that the community has expert advice as well as add-on tools that work with Studio.· If you are using Atelier and happy with it, keep using it, and look forward to version 1.3. We are also maintaining it indefinitely. We've reached a milestone and have many users that are productive and effective with Atelier, including combining it with other Eclipse plug-ins. · If you are starting work with a new development group, use Atelier. Eclipse is familiar to millions of developers, and Atelier is more than sufficient to get the job done. Consult with us on these projects as you get going, because there are some areas such as Ensemble productions where developers may want to use Studio or other tools along with Atelier.
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Jul 11, 2018 After the release of Atelier 1.3, scheduled for late August, Atelier will only receive critical software corrections, no enhancements.
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Mar 6, 2018 We don't want to allow the upgrade, because we now have a distinct kit fo Ubuntu, which requires some specific functionality which the SUSE kits not have or vice versa. I strongly recommend to make a fresh installation of Ubuntu, to make sure you have a clean set of components that fit together and will be consistent with future upgrades.
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Feb 12, 2018 Hi Dmitry, the Atelier team has started to switch the Atelier release cycle to quarterly releases. Yearly released like we all observed between 1.0 and 1.1 are not helpful. Like so often when change is required there are wrinkles in time that will influence how quick this change will occur. We are experience this in the moment, but working diligently toward quarterly releases. InterSystems well established process is to report issues or enhancement request via the WRC. This will have to continue. The Atelier team is very careful and keenly aware that the prioritization of what gets done is important not only to InterSystems, but also to the users of Atelier. There are many strategic areas in which we need to succeed. I like the idea of public voting if appropriate and within a certain scope. We will introduce this in the future.
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Feb 12, 2018 This is not an Atelier issue, but an issue of general concern. A system administrator might specify authentication but also allows for unauthenticated access. The instance will try to authenticate and if this fails will determine if there is another authentication option. The authentication mechanism of unauthenticated was helpful at the time when it was created, but not anymore. It is too easy to leave a server wide open; something nobody can afford anymore. The minimal installation option will go away, and with it the default of having unauthenticated being enabled. Atelier is already based on the concept that all access to a server requires authentication. Stay tuned for more changes in the area of product installation and install modes.
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Jan 10, 2018 Please contact our Wold Wide Response Center and we will try to assist you. https://www.intersystems.com/support-learning/support/
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Jan 2, 2018 Hi Jorge,Field Test keys are provided for ongoing field tests. They are not extended after the Field Test version has been released, and are only provided for this program.Respectfully,Andreas
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Oct 5, 2017 Hi Maarten,is this still an active question or are you all set?Respectfully,Andreas
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Oct 5, 2017 On your second question: The grayed out option (Server's copy) and the missing equivalent options have not yet been implemented. All four ways should be available by the time 1.1 will be released.
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Apr 24, 2017 I am not aware of anyone, but would be interested in any feedback you might get.
go to post Andreas Dieckow · Feb 2, 2017 The installation does in general not offer the option to place the core files of the system in different locations. Some aspects like new databases and journal file location can be changed later, as part of the system configuration. You seem to have already found the correct documentation for this.