
Is there a way to include a prefix for the instance name in the server connection? I have 1 server with multiple iris instances, using 1 webserver. Each instance can be reached using a prefix in the url: (for example https://localhost/instance1/...).

I want to use VS code remote, but can't add the prefix to the hostname (or ip), and also not to the port, as this is numeric. Any idea how to solve this?

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Moving over from Studio To VSCode like many other will do now the ObjectScript plugin reached version 1.0, I noticed I was missing some items in the objectscript explorer. For example when creating a Rest API using the spec first approach, 3 classes are generated, an application.impl, application.disp and application.spec class, but the disp class was missing in the Object Explorer.

As the application.disp is a generated class, for showing these classes you need to turn this on by hitting the switch on the object explorer:

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