We've implemented SAML authentication for our application where we are the service provider and various other entities are the identity providers. We've done successful connections with several identity providers including Okta, Duo Mobile, Ping Identity, and Azure. Validating the SAML response with signed assertions has been working great. Now, I am trying implement support for the SAML assertions in the response being encrypted for a new identity provider and struggling to understand procedurally how to go about this.

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Working on a project where I'm needing to make FHIR calls from my HealthConnect Interop production to Epic.

My issue is I'm not able to construct a valid JWT for the OAuth token retrieval that Epic will accept. I have the below code where I'm able to create a valid header and payload that I'm base64URL encoding and then trying to sign with my .pem private key file. However, Epic is not liking the signature portion of my JWT.

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