· Jul 1, 2019 2m read
Transaction suspencion

It’s often useful to make changes inside the current transaction, that would not be rolled-back if transaction is rolled-back. For example to do some logging.

This can be achieved by using global that is mapped to temporary database -- IRISTEMP. All globals that start with ^IRIS.Temp* are mapped to IRISTEMP by default. Problem with such approach is that IRISTEMP is cleaned on InterSystems IRIS restart, so this log is lost.

What else you can do is -- suspend transaction temporarily, do the logging, and then resume the same transaction.

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· Nov 11, 2019 11m read
Transactions in Global InterSystems IRIS

InterSystems IRIS supports a unique data structure, called globals, for information storage. Essentially, globals are persistent arrays with multi-level indices, having several extra capabilities—transactions, quick traversal of tree structures, and a programming language known as ObjectScript.

I'd note that for the remainder of the article, or at least the code samples, we'll assume you have familiarised yourself with the basics of globals:

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· Oct 19, 2022 3m read
Ingestion and Querying Speed Test

The capacity of taking numerous records every second while also facilitating real-time queries simultaneously in real time is called Hybrid Transactional Analytical Processing (HTAP). It is also called Transactional analytics or Transanalytics or Translytics and is a very useful element in scenarios where there is constant flow of real time data coming from IIOT sensors or data on fluctuations in stock market, and supporting the need for querying these data sets in real-time or near real-time.

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