· Sep 23, 2020

Where can I download the XSD (XML schema definition) of files exported by Cache Studio ?

When you export entities like classes, routines, globals in Cache Studio, you usually end up with XML files that looks like this : 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Export generator="Cache" version="25">
    <Class name="base.monitoredpage">
        <Parameter name="ENCODED">

I was wondering if the XSD (schema definition) of those files are available somewhere (eg : in Cache InterSystems website). I searched but could not find anything.

I am asking this because I have a project which is under versioning control (eg: git). Everything is exported/imported using SyncTool which use XML files. The default diff tools (eg : kdiff3) have trouble to merge them properly as they treat them like regular text files. It seems there is diff/merge tools available on the market that are able to deal with XML files, but your need the XSD file that goes along with it to make it work properly.

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I found the following XSD file which seems to be what I want :


It's much more complex than what I thought. Maybe exporting all cache files as UDL (as Dmitriy suggested) is a better approach. I don't know if SyncTool is able to export cache entities in that format directly. If not, I will need a second pass (that convert xml to udl).