· Feb 8, 2016

Variable scope in .mac routine?

Given the following code:


    set tstVar = "Green"
    do TestIt()
TestIt() {
    write tstVar


I get <UNDEFINED>start+4^DeploymentTool *tstVar

I also tried setting the variable outside the start method but that doesn't work either.  I realize I could pass tstVar to the TestIt() routine but I'm trying to create a couple variables that will be reused repeatedly so that doesn't really work.

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Got it!

Variable scoping determines when a variable is “visible” to a program. In Caché ObjectScript, there are two sets of rules for variable scoping:
 -  The standard (and newer) scoping mechanism, which is based on procedure blocks. This is the preferred mechanism for new applications and is the default used by the Caché Studio. Within a procedure block, all non-% variables are private variables.

 set %tstVar = "Green"

Here's some relevant documentation:

One way to make this work as-is would be to put tstVar in the "public" list:

    set tstVar = "Green"
    do TestIt()
TestIt() [tstVar] {
    write tstVar 

Another would be to give the variable a name starting with a %:

    set %tstVar = "Green"
    do TestIt()
TestIt() {
    write %tstVar 

Taking into account that Scott wanted to pass multiple variables between routines, then %-named variables could serve better, making write less code. But...

To prevent variable leak outside of top-most start routine you better to New all %-named variables, e.g.


    new %tstVar
    set %tstVar  =  "Green"
    do TestIt()

TestIt() {
    write %tstVar 

Internally new statement creates new frame in the variables symbol table (which means virtually it's the new symbol table content), and this %-named entry will be accessible in the inner routines, even if they are of "new procedure block kind" like TestIt function here.

But, importantly, when control flow will return back to the outer start frame and quit statement will be called, it will not only return control to the proper place in caller, but it will also cleanup all new-ed variables, thus effeciantly returning back previous state of symbol table. [I do not mean it will return back variables values, I mean return back presence or absence of some variable name]


If you know Perl then it's like local "function" work for localization scope of variables.

In various posts, you've talked about having an implementation tool that is run from the browser, and you've also talked about running it from terminal. Here's a design that would be well-suited to both:

* Settings that apply to the whole thing are properties of an object (class extends %RegisteredObject)

* There's a class method (static method in other languages) to get the settings' values interactively

* There's an instance method to run the setup on an instance of the class

Include %syPrompt

Class Demo.SetupTool Extends %RegisteredObject

Property Type As %String(VALUELIST = ",Gateway,IHE");

Property Setting1Value As %String [ InitialExpression = "ABC" ];

Property Setting2Value As %Boolean [ InitialExpression = ];

ClassMethod RunInteractive()
    Set tSettingsObject = ..%New()
    Write "Deployment Utility"
    Set options(1) = "Gateway"
    Set options(2) = "IHE"
    Do ##class(%Prompt).GetArray("Deployment Type?",.tType,.options,,,,$$$InitialDisplayMask+$$$MatchArrayMask)
    Set tSettingsObject.Type = tType
    Set tString = tSettingsObject.Setting1Value
    Do ##class(%Prompt).GetString("Enter a string: ",.tString)
    Set tSettingsObject.Setting1Value = tString
    Set tYesOrNo = tSettingsObject.Setting2Value
    Do ##class(%Prompt).GetYesNo("Is this a helpful demo? ",.tYesOrNo)
    Set tSettingsObject.Setting2Value = tYesOrNo
    Do tSettingsObject.DoSetup()

Method DoSetup()
    Write !,"Starting ",..Type," deployment...",!
    // Here, do things based on properties of this object.
    If '..Setting2Value {
        //Do something specific if Setting2Value is false.
        Write "Why not?",!


Then, for example:

USER>d ##class(Demo.SetupTool).RunInteractive()
Deployment Utility
1) Gateway
2) IHE
Deployment Type? 1 Gateway
Enter a string:  ABC =>
Is this a helpful demo?  Yes => No
Starting Gateway deployment...
Why not?


Or, if you want to do the same kind of setup from a simple ZenMethod in a Zen page or something, you could set up a settings object and then call DoSetup() on it.

USER>set tSettings = ##class(Demo.SetupTool).%New()
USER>set tSettings.Type = "IHE"
USER>d tSettings.DoSetup()
Starting IHE deployment...