· Jun 28, 2020

Stream Read - Multi Languages

Hi, I am doing a stream read so that I can do some inserts to the table however other language read is not supported, any idea what I need to do to achieve this? 


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Hi, Thank you for your response.. I am writing a routine to upload some data to the table, the language I am looking to upload the data is actually arabic, but it inserts gibrish.. any idea how I could support Arabic inserts.. if i insert directly through the DBMS Inserts.. it goes through perfectly... so this is something to do with the reads of the file...any help in this is greatly appreciated.

If it's a File Stream you can set TranslateTable property to your charset before reading.

Otherwise you can use $zcvt function to convert strings.

Here's an example of iterating encodings for $zcvt to determine a correct encoding.

If you are interested in encoding internals use zzdump to check hexdumps.

If your encoding is region specific don't forget to set your locale.