· Feb 19, 2016 2m read

Simple $system.Event examples

The attached file contains two $system.Event examples that processes work asynchronously using persistent queues:


This is a very basic example that creates some worker processes and then enqueue messages to them using $system.Event.

; create shared resource, create worker jobs.
USER>do ##class(IAT.S04.Event.Test).Setup()
; enqueue some messages to workers and see what happens
USER>do ##class(IAT.S04.Event.Test).Run()
Show log? no/[yes]:
^Samples.Log(1)="[2016-02-19 09:43:14] Enqueuing 1"
^Samples.Log(2)="[2016-02-19 09:43:14] Worker 8168 grabs: 1"
^Samples.Log(3)="[2016-02-19 09:43:14] Enqueuing 2"
^Samples.Log(4)="[2016-02-19 09:43:14] Worker 18184 grabs: 2"
^Samples.Log(5)="[2016-02-19 09:43:14] Enqueuing 3"
^Samples.Log(6)="[2016-02-19 09:43:14] Worker 8168 grabs: 3"
^Samples.Log(7)="[2016-02-19 09:43:14] Enqueuing 4"
^Samples.Log(8)="[2016-02-19 09:43:14] Worker 18184 grabs: 4"
^Samples.Log(9)="[2016-02-19 09:43:14] Enqueuing 5"
^Samples.Log(10)="[2016-02-19 09:43:14] Worker 8168 grabs: 5"
; we are done. we could enqueue more messages or just kill worker jobs.
write $system.Process.Terminate(8168)
write $system.Process.Terminate(18184)


  • Manager - methods to create shared resources and workers as well as to enqueue messages to workers.
  • Queue - simple persistent class used to store messages
  • Worker - worker class that waits for an event and processes the received message


This example is based on the same foundations as Events_Simple.

The goal here is building a simple Publisher-Subscriber model.  

There are two subscribers:

  • SubPatient which handles Patient related messages.
  • SubDummy which handles dummy messages.
; create events and subscriber jobs
do ##class(IAT.S05.PubSub.Example.Main).Setup()
; send some messages to channels
do ##class(IAT.S05.PubSub.Example.Main).Run()
; show log
zw ^PubSub.Log

Main classes:

Example classes:


Example Log

Discussion (6)1
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I love this! I needed PubSub-like services for the concurrent tweets processing and control of workers in the twitter api streaming mode sample and at the moment there is fragile, simplistic locking  schema used. I suspect PubSub will be better/more reliable, so I'll try to play with your classes.

But here are 1 questions:

  • why you didn't upload them to your intersystems-ib github repo?
  • and why these strange package names - IAT.S04.* and IAT.S05.*?


It would be really nice if you would explain more details about API usage: I understand that UMLExplorer diagrams created are obvious and self-explanatory (wink) but more documentation never hurts...