· Jan 19, 2016 1m read

Serious discussion about the Developer Community

How was it born?  Who runs it?  How committed is Intersystems to it?  Is it run by a dedicated person/team or is it a part time job?


It's difficult to find community support for Intersystems products.  I've had relative success lately on StackOverflow but that's mostly thanks to one person (who is also a member here).  The point being, this is a very important asset for us as developers, administrators and users of your product.  I hope that fact is not lost on management at Intersystems.  

Some of the design decisions and other things I see here lead me to believe this might be a pet project or something created as an afterthought.  If that's the case, I hope it changes soon.  If that's not the case, and this is a serious effort by a team, well, there might be other issues going on...

In short, despite some of the issues, I see lots of potential here and overall it's coming together nicely.  Please continue to invest in your community.

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Thanks for the quick reply.  Can you provide any information on the team or individuals responsible for the community?  Do they have other responsibilities?

Any thoughts on why simple, obvious things like the quality of the main banner image have not been fixed?  Is there a set development cycle?

Sorry if I come across as rude, I'm just curious and want to help the site improve.

Thanks for advocating for this community site and for your encouragement.  We are expanding the team, hopefully by a lot, and we have a plan for improvements over the next couple of months and for the longer term too.  There's a lot to do and we'll get there quickly.  I'm very committed to helping our clients have a productive and fun online experience.  And, I hope that you continue to encourage us and tell us what you think.  Thank you!