· Jan 10, 2020

Remote Gateway Error: JDBC Gateway SP execute(0) error 0: Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists.

I am working on a BPL to take data from a MS SQL database and create an HL7 Materials Message for our EMR.  I have done this plenty of times in the past however I am running into an error.

"Remote Gateway Error: JDBC Gateway SP execute(0) error 0: Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists."

What is confusing is that this BPL doesn't differ from any of my other BPLs in connecting to MS SQL Server. I know I am missing something..

This BPL will execute the 1st Stored Procedure without any issues, the issue is when it comes to executing the second stored procedure.




Any help would be appreciated.

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I would be tempted to, as a next troubleshooting step, take the BPL and JDBCGateway out of the equation and test the stored procedure calls using the same JDBC driver from a Java-based SQL query tool such as Squirrel.

It's not SQL Server specific, but this step-by-step walkthrough for using Squirrel to connect to Caché might save some time.

[Edit: should have said "queries of the views" rather than "stored procedure calls"]