· May 5, 2016

Production Tables - where and what are they?

Hello, I'm new to Ensemble, and my first task is to become familiar with the Production and create a basic outline of it for the users to view (which servers, where are the input files, where are the output files, how many records...).  What are the Production tables?  I'd like to start there.



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Production configuration is not stored in tables. Rather in an XML block of the Production class.

I'm not sure whether this is what you want, but if you want to view a user friendly documentation of a specific Production, I'd suggest to go to the Production Configuration (Management Portal > Ensemble > Configure > Production). On the Actions tab on the right the uppermost button is 'Document'. There you can generate a user friendly HTML or PDF documentation of your own Production, in the style of our documentation (see more complete instructions here). 

Hi Laura. it's quite hard to properly explain this without repeating a significant part of our documentation. But if I'd like to keep it short, here we have to talk about three things: 

  • The definition of the business hosts (services, processes, operations) are classes. Let's put it that way: In those classes you define the configurable parameters and the functionality in an abstract way. 
  • Then you add "instances" of those business hosts (BH) to your Production. Actually: you can add multiple "instances" of the same BH to your Production and each and every instances have their own parameters configured. That XML block in the Production class contains the paramater settings of all the business hosts added to the Production.
  • When you start the Production, Ensemble instantiates real object instances of your BH classes in the background to manage the runtime behavior of the Production. Some of them are persistent objects (business processes) and can store their runtime state on disk, others (services, operations) exists in-memory only. So this is NOT where you should start.

Conclusion: if you want to know more about your Production, the XML block in your Production class can tell you the actual configuration of your business hosts. The various business host classes can tell you how they work (I guess, this latter is not what your users want to know).

Ensemble provides a tool for generating HTML or PDF documentation for a production.  This documentation includes all interfaces and any directories they read from or ports they listen on or ip addresses/ports they connect to, all together in a convenient list.

To get to this documentation, on the production configuration page, click the "Production Settings" link which should be just above the Operations column, and then select the actions tab on the right side and there should be a "Document" button.

You mentioned you're also looking for the information seen on the production monitor, such as message counts, but in a simpler view.  There isn't really a more simple view of this, but if you want to try to use SQL to get the data, I would start with the Ens.MessageHeader table.  There is a single Ens.MessageHeader row generated for every message sent from one component to another within a production.