Piece or String function using Matches [A-Z]
I am trying to match on config items that have the same Vendor name in them for custom alerting.
Where Vendorname could be several systems that have multiple interfaces.
How can I find all config items (interface names) with the same Vendor name, without explicitly naming them?
I was trying to use $Piece to segment out the CamelCase pieces (as the name I want is always the 2nd Capitalized section), but could not find a way to integrate match regex logic (e.g. [A-Z]) inside $Piece or other String extract functions.
Hello Brian,
I'm not sure what your other code for this alerting looks like, but would the Ensemble Utility Function "Contains" be useful?
TEST>w ##class(Ens.Util.FunctionSet).Contains("FromVendornameSiteADT","Vendor"))
There are also utility functions to convert a string to all upper/lowercase, if you need that also.
Unfortunately, Vendorname is just a placeholder for the section of the String I need to extract. I'm trying to find a way to pull that section (i.e. the 2nd Capitalized word) from the string without naming it.
FromEpicADT > "Epic"
ToHealthshareNorthADT > "Healthshare"
Interface Maps includes a config item search function that can search on partial name matches:
https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnect20201/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.... Interface Maps
I think this has the same problem I describe in my reply above.
Hi Brian,
Could you please with below code.
ClassMethod GetSecondUpperCase(pInput As %String) As %String
;w ##class(Sample.TempUtil).GetSecondUpperCase("GetSecondUpperCase")
SET stsrtpos=$LOCATE(pInput,"[[:upper:]]{1}",2)
SET endpos=$LOCATE(pInput,"[[:upper:]]{1}",(stsrtpos+1))
SET result=$EXTRACT(pInput,stsrtpos,(endpos-1))
quit result
Muni Ganesh
Thanks! I was almost there... I think this will work nicely!
Have a look at %Regex.Matcher. Since you always want the 2nd capitalized section you can just make that your regex capture group:
This gives me the output:
Thanks! I think this would have gotten me there too!
Here's the code to get capitalized piece of string by number:
/// Get Capitalized piece. /// str - string to search /// piece - 1-based piece to return /// write ##class(test.CustomQuery).GetCapitalizedPiece() ClassMethod GetCapitalizedPiece(str As %String = "lowerHelloWorldAgainHelloWorldAgainHelloWorldAgainHelloWorldAgain", piece As %Integer = 1) As %String { // Only uppercase letters set upper = $tr(str, $zcvt(str, "l")) // Number of uppercase letteres set capCount = $l(upper) // Quit if requested piece can not exist quit:piece>capCount "" quit:piece<1 "" // First letter in our capitalized piece set startLetter = $e(upper, piece) // All previous capitalized letters set prevLetters = $e(upper, 1, piece - 1) // Check if current capitalized letter is a first capitalized letter // If not - skip previous capitalized letters if '$find(prevLetters, startLetter) { set start = $find(str, startLetter) - 1 } else { set count = $l(prevLetters, startLetter) + 1 set start = 0 while $i(count,-1) { set start = $find(str, startLetter, start) } set start = start - 1 } // Is this capitalized piece the last one? if piece=capCount { set end = $l(str) } else { set end = $find(str, $e(upper, piece + 1), start) - 2 } quit $e(str, start, end) }
Advantages over regexp: