· Apr 17, 2017

Overide trigger

Hello everyone.

I have some issue with trigger. I have class where I defined 3 triggers (UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE). These triggers are  Foreach = row/object. In my currently task, I need overide this triggers in children class.  is It possible to do it? 

Thank you for your help.

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Just redefine the trigger with the same name in a child class:

Class FormsDev.NewClass1 Extends %Persistent

Property Name As %String;

Trigger Insert [ Event = INSERT ]
    Set ^dbg = {Name}

/// do ##class(FormsDev.NewClass1).Test()
ClassMethod Test()
    Kill ^FormsDev.NewClass1D, ^dbg, ^dbg2
    &sql(INSERT INTO FormsDev.NewClass1 (Name) Values ('Alice'))
    &sql(INSERT INTO FormsDev.NewClass2 (Name) Values ('Bob'))
    zw ^dbg, ^dbg2


and child class:

Class FormsDev.NewClass2 Extends FormsDev.NewClass1

Trigger Insert [ Event = INSERT ]
    Set ^dbg2 = {Name}



>do ##class(FormsDev.NewClass1).Test()


Also, if you change trigger name, both would be executed. For example Insert in NewClass1:

Trigger Insert [ Event = INSERT ]
    Set ^dbg($i(^dbg)) = {Name}

And Insert2 in NewClass2:

Trigger Insert2 [ Event = INSERT ]
    Set ^dbg2($i(^dbg2)) = {Name}

Would result in:

>do ##class(FormsDev.NewClass1).Test()