· Apr 25, 2022

Meet the Winners of the 1st InterSystems Portuguese Tech Article Contest !

Hi Community,

Our 1st InterSystems Portuguese Tech Article Contest ended. We received several interesting content in: 6 amazing articles 🔥

A great thanks to all that participated on our competition !

And now it's time to announce the winners .... 

Meet the winners of the 1st InterSystems Portuguese Tech Article Contest and their amazing articles:

⭐️ Expert Awards – winners selected by InterSystems experts:

🥇 1st place: Utilizando HealthShare para normalização de resultados de SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 written by @Renan.Santos

🥈 2nd place: Introdução à análise de dados com IRIS e Pandas written by @henry 

🥉 3rd place: HealthShare: criando o ecossistema de atendimento orientado a dados written by @Yuri Marx 

⭐️ Community Award – winner selected by Community members, article with the most likes:

🎉 Winner: Utilizando HealthShare para normalização de resultados de SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 written by @Renan.Santos

⭐️ And let's meet our new member who joined our competition:

Wow! For their great contribution, we'd like to reward these authors with a 🎁 InterSystems Thermic Bottle 🎁

⭐️ Let's congratulate all our heroes at the contest:

THANK YOU ALL! You have made an incredible contribution to our Dev Community! 

P.S. The prizes are in production now. We will contact all the participants when they are ready to ship - stay in touch!


Awesome our 1st InterSystems Portuguese Tech Article Contest, isn't it ?

Thanks to all the participants for the efforts you pay in our 1st InterSystems Portuguese Tech Article Contest!

And what's next.....?

Stay tuned   !!!!

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