· 11 hr ago

Management portal not working


Just installed IRIS on the top of ensemble 2018  as  conversion and I can access Studio & terminal with no issues but management portal is giving  page not found error 404 ?



Product version: IRIS 2024.3
Discussion (2)1
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What environment did you run the installer on?

If Windows, did you have IIS enabled before running the installer?

I had some oddities when attempting to install a version that no longer includes the PWS (including a few self inflicted), and found that the best method was to:

  1. Enable IIS
  2. Run the installer (making sure to select the option to "Configure local IIS web server for this instance" when the installer prompts)
  3. check the default site in IIS to make sure it's got all the "sites" required (api,csp,etc).
  4. Restart the "Default web site" in IIS
  5. Navigate to http://hostname/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw per ludwig's reply below, logging in with the password you set during install along with the username "CSPSystem"
  6. Attempt the test via "Test Server Connection"
    1. If that fails, go to "Server Access" select the instance and edit server, and make sure that the config has the Username/password set there as well before retesting.