· Jul 3, 2022 2m read

The main part (and the end)... of the Global Summit 2022!

After a short (or too long) pause from the previous part here is a short recap of the next few days of the Global Summit 2022 in Seattle!

As before, each day started with the keynotes (which you should be able to watch tomorrow wink). But unlike the keynotes on June, 21 the following day they were dedicated to Data Platform IRIS. As before, you can find the topics and the presenters in this announcement. Some of the notable speeches were delivered by Geoffrey Moore, Bestselling Author, Consultant, and Disruptive Technology Specialist

 and Scott Gnau, Head of Data Platforms talked about innovations

 and of course, the most interesting was the last - what we can expect in future releases

As for me, Columnar storage is the most exciting feature that I'm so going to try in the next few days using the Preview that is already available via the Early Access Program.

Anyway, after the keynotes, there was lunch, and meetings, and speeches. One of them, linked to the Developer Community happened in the afternoon:

Among other people, moderators and heads of the DC were present (@Djeniffer Greffin, @Evgeny Shvarov@Scott Roth@Dmitry Maslennikov, @Dean Andrews@Muhammad Waseem, @Jeffrey Drumm@Irène Mykhailova, @John Murray and @José Roberto Pereira) and shared their impressions and stories related to the DC.

It was really very nice to meet all these people in person! And I had a chat with some of them afterward

At the same time in the Tech Exchange there were technical discussions taking place

And in the evening there were fun and games in the same room.

Next day (Thursday) was shorter and less filled with action. Anyway, the keynotes were quite interesting and covered different topics, including Developer Ecosystem, which includes Developer Community, Open Exchange, and Global Masters, as well as hackathons and startups.

During the day, the winners of the Detective Adventure Game found me to get their prises


Some of the stands began to disappear during the keynotes and after lunch a lot of people just went on to discuss different common projects and attend additional meetings or presentations.

Some went outside to enjoy the nice weather, some returned to pack for the journey home.

Basically, this is it for the Global Summit 2022. It was great to meet in person again (or for the first time) after a long hiatus! 

Please share your experience of the GS 2022! What impressed you the most? What innovations are looking forward to? Have you met someone who impressed you? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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