· Nov 1, 2016


Has anyone ever used the LogoutAll method in the %CSP.Session class successfully? I'm wondering what I need to do to use it.




Discussion (3)0
Log in or sign up to continue

But what else?  How do you run it?  Do you need to be in a %csp session?

I have the %ALL:

%SYS>w $roles

Attempt to run it as a class method:

%SYS>w ##class(%CSP.Session).LogoutAll("laura1") 
W ##CLASS(%CSP.Session).LogoutAll("laura1")


Try it with a session object:

%SYS>s session=##CLASS(%CSP.Session).%OpenId("fBOZJihk0C")
%SYS>w session.LogoutAll("laura1")
 quit $$LogoutAllUserSessions^%SYS.cspServer(username, %request, %response ) }
<UNDEFINED>zLogoutAll+1^%CSP.Session.1 *%request

And from a connected session with the user that needs to logout of all sessions:

ERROR #822: Access Denied

So I'll have to connect to the application as a developer in order to kill off sessions that are causing problems.  The user can't wipe them out himself.  I get a "problem session" if the page times out and the user kills the page; this causes the session to hang around until its timeout, and due to our specific setup, he can't log in again until the session times out or a developer kills it from Session Management. I wanted to give the user the ability to wipe out all of his own sessions.

No need to discuss grouping by sessionId or anything like that - we have a very specific setup such that flags are set and the user can't login again if he kills his page. 


Now, how can I intercept this error and call the logout? That would be better...

image of the kill page or wait fromChrome

