· Apr 7

Key Questions of the Month: March 2024

Hi Community,

It's time for the new batch of #KeyQuestions from the previous month.

What are Essential Questions? -

Here are the Key Questions of March chosen by InterSystems Experts within all Communities:

📌 How to split the two timestamp based on interval time in IRIS Database? by @Parameshwaran Muthaiyan (EN)

📌 Output Dynamic Object JSON Data To A CSV File by @Carl (booz Allen) Deitrich (EN)

📌 How to compare two Registered Object by @Corentin Blondeau (EN)

These questions will be highlighted with the #Key Question tag, and their authors will get the Key Question badge on Global Masters.

If you find the key question(s) from other communities interesting, just drop us a line in the comments and we will translate the question(s) and the accepted answer(s).

Congrats, and thank you all for your interesting questions. Keep them coming!

See you next month😉

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