· Jan 30, 2023 2m read

JSONfile-to-Global #1

The similarity between JSON objects + arrays and Globals in IRIS or Caché is evident.
With small and medium size JSON objects navigation across %Dynamic Objects is comfortable.
But with large and/or deep cascaded objects it becomes a challenge.

The presented tool offers 3 variants

  • loading an already existing %Dyamic object or Array into a global of your choice
  • loading a %Stream containing a JSON object into a global of your choice
  • loading an external File containing a JSON object into a global of your choice

How to use it

USER>read str
USER>set jsn={}.%FromJSON(str)
USER>write ##class(rcc.jstog).toglobal(jsn,"^jsn")
USER>zwrite ^jsn

USER>zzjson jsn

from an already existing Stream, it's like this

USER>write ##class(rcc.jstog).stream(jsonstream,"^jsstr")

and from a file it is this method:

USER>set filename="/opt/irisbuild/src/data/demo.json"
USER>write ##class(rcc.jstog).file(filename)  ; using default gloabel ^jsom

File content:

Global content:

This might not look so spectacular.
But see and try the difference with a 6 MB sized JSON Object.



Discussion (1)1
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Hi Robert,

Your video is now on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

⏯ JSONfile to Global
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Thank you very much!