· Jun 13, 2017

Is it possible to execute a custom class query using MS Excel VBA?

Is it possible using MS Excel VBA to execute and retrieve data from a Cache custom class query? If so, how?

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If you know how to work with ActiveX from MS Excel VBA, then there is no problem.

E.g. (demo.vbs):

Set f = CreateObject("CacheActiveX.Factory")
Set rs = CreateObject("CacheActiveX.ResultSet")
If Not f.IsConnected() Then


  Set rs=f.DynamicSQL("select TOP 3 * from Sample.Person")
  while rs.Next
    WScript.Echo rs.Get("SSN"'print of field SSN for first three rows from the table Sample.Person

  Set person = f.Static("Sample.Person")
  age=person.CurrentAge(45678) 'call of method of class Sample.Person

  WScript.Echo age
End If

Running a Query in Visual Basic

Thank you both for your responses, I greatly appreciate the help!

I tried going down the ODBC route using ADO based on some other information I have found and I seem to be getting hung up by something not getting specified in the call to Cache through ODBC. Here's what I have in the Excel VBA:

When I try to run this, I get this error:

The Query "GETSQLLBIMA7" exists in the USER namespace under the USER package. I'm not sure how to specify to look under USER rather than SQLUSER when calling Cache.

Thank you for the responses so far, I greatly appreciate them!

I found some information online about using ADO and ODBC to make the connection which has gotten me close. Here is what I have in Excel VBA:

and here is the error I get when I run this code:

The "GETSQLLBIMA7" query exists in the USER namespace under the USER package. I'm not sure where "SQLUSER" is coming from or how to specify a different namespace or package.