· Apr 4, 2022

Introducing InterSystems Ideas!

We are excited to introduce you to our new feedback portal, InterSystems Ideas!

We aim to improve our feedback mechanisms so that you can suggest ways our products could evolve to meet your business challenges. Developer Community Questions are a great way to interact with your peers around a specific coding issue, and Customer Support is, as always, the way to get an immediate problem fixed.

This new portal is meant to capture higher level ideas. Less of how you do something today, and more about how you would like to see the product work better in the future. It allows you to post your own feedback & comment/upvote on feedback provided by others. InterSystems can view any feedback you submit, respond to your feedback directly, and update the status of your feedback items as we make progress on your requests.

So please take a look, contribute your ideas, and bookmark it for the future. Thank you!

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