· Jun 4, 2020

InterSystems Developers Community Release, June 2020

Hi Developers!
Want to share with you what we did in May 2020 to improve InterSystems Developers Community. Here are the new features:

  • New, better design for DC notification letters.
  • Editor in markdown: images import with hosting, decoration, etc.
  • Unanswered questions management improvements.

Here we go!

Better DC notifications design

Since this release, we send you emails with an improved design which makes DC letters more readable, clear, accurate, and even beautiful. If this is not what you experience, please send your feedback in this post or into the issues section for DC.
Here is an example of the notification:

Markdown Editor Enhancements

Since this release we make markdown as a first-class-citizen on DC: Images import and hosting, code highlighting, teaser brakes. Images can be drag-n-dropped with new markdown editor! We have the e - all that you asked!
Even the Editor toolbar!
Bravo DC Developers team!
Moreover, I write this announcement in Markdown :) Because I can do it now with pleasure. I Hope, you will like this new feature as I do.

Engagement for unanswered questions

Developers! When we ask questions and get answers we often forget to mark replies as answers - please, don't forget to do this if the reply satisfies you and you can accept it as an answer. This makes the difference: everybody sees that problem is solved, the developer who replied you, understands that his answer was helpful and thus the world is getting a little bit better place.
Since this release, we introduced a couple of new email notifications (very beautiful of course) which remind you that you have questions with new replies. Also, we added a new menu in your Member profile which gives you the quick access to unaccepted answers:

We also introduced a number of other features and solved a lot of bugs.
You can check this in May's kanban.
And here is a new June 2020 kanban.
You are very welcome for new enhancement requests and bug reports!
Stay tuned!

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