· Jul 22, 2022

How to get rid of gibberish in menu?


I found another question on how to change the language for Studio (but it would've been nice to have my actual language used - Ukrainian, since it's available, or was available). Still, I can't seem to figure out how to get rid of gibberish in the menu without changing the Windows settings:

Product version: IRIS 2022.1
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The iristray (or any other IRIS utilities like CStudio, ConnectionGUI, util) should get the captions from the c:\InterSystems\IRIS\bin\<utility><language>.DLL. Where <language> should be UKR in your case (according to windows local settings). Is iristrayUKR.DLL missing in your installation ?
(Close and re-start the systray after you changed/renamed the language dll to see the new language)