· Feb 7, 2020

How could we include JSON objects inside a POST request?‽‽


We would like to submit a JSON using Ensemble. Here we have the JSON structure:

    "app_id": "e47322de-64c8-43c5-a1b7-42aa6409eb48",
    "headings": {"en":"Cita Atencion Primaria","es":"Cita Atencion Primaria"},
    "subtitle": {"en":"C.P. ISORA","es":"C.P. ISORA"},
    "contents": {"en": "Next appointment", "es": "Siguiente cita"},
                "centro": "C.P. ISORA",
                "fecha": "yyyy/mm/dd",
                "hora": "hh:mm",

                "profesional": "nombre del profesional",

                "nomUsuario": "nombre del usuario",
                "codcita": "idCita",
                "sepuedeborrar": 1
    "include_player_ids": ["2b3a6be7-5475-4871-b3be-a50eb2ec6034"]


We have created a class to hold this structure:

Class EsquemasDatos.NotificacionesPUSH.CrearNotificacionRequest Extends (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor)


Parameter NAMESPACE = "";

Parameter XMLNAME = "CrearNotificacionRequest";

Parameter XMLSEQUENCE = 1;

Property "app_id" As %String(MAXLEN = "");

Property headings As %RegisteredObject;

Property subtitle As %RegisteredObject;

Property contents As %RegisteredObject;

// Property data As %RegisteredObject;

Property data As %RegisteredObject;

// Property "include_player_ids" As %Collection.ListOfObj;

Property "include_player_ids" As %Collection.ListOfObj;

// Property "include_player_ids" As %String(MAXLEN = "");


In addition we have the following operation:

Method CrearNotificacion(pRequest As Mensajes.Request.NotificacionesPUSH.CrearNotificacion, pResponse As Mensajes.Response.NotificacionesPUSH.CrearNotificacion) As %Library.Status
    $$$LOGINFO("^data: "_^data)
    set body=##class(EsquemasDatos.NotificacionesPUSH.CrearNotificacionRequest).%New()
    set body."app_id" = pRequest.idApp
    set body.headings = {"en":(pRequest.notificacion.titulo),"es":(pRequest.notificacion.titulo)}
    set body.subtitle = {"en":(pRequest.notificacion.subtitulo),"es":(pRequest.notificacion.subtitulo)}
    set body.contents = {"en":(pRequest.notificacion.mensaje),"es":(pRequest.notificacion.mensaje)}
    set = {"en":(^data)}
    set body."include_player_ids" = ["2b3a6be7-5475-4871-b3be-a50eb2ec6034"]
    set httpRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
    set tResponse = ##class(%Net.HttpResponse).%New()
    set httpRequest.Server = ""
    set httpRequest.ContentType = "application/json"
    set httpRequest.Authorization = "Basic "_##class(Util.TablasMaestras).getValorMaestra("NOTIFICACIONESPUSH.PARAMETRIZACIONES","onesignal_apikey")
    $$$LOGINFO("httpRequest.Authorization: "_httpRequest.Authorization)    
    set httpRequest.Https = 1
    set httpRequest.SSLConfiguration = "Certificado_SCS"
    set status = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%WriteJSONStreamFromObject(httpRequest.EntityBody, body,,,,"aeloqtuw")
    set tSC = httpRequest.Post("")
    set tResponse = httpRequest.HttpResponse
    if $$$ISERR(tSC){
    if (tResponse.Data.AtEnd = 0) {
        //$$$LOGINFO("En AñadirDispositivo, tamaño de tResponse: "_tResponse.Data.Size)
        set linea = tResponse.Data.Read()
        //$$$LOGINFO("Linea: "_linea)
    set pResponse = ##class(Mensajes.Response.NotificacionesPUSH.AñadirDispositivo).%New()
    do pResponse.return.Write(linea)
    Quit pResponse


When we see the trace we are surprised, because of the API returns:

{"status":400,"error":"There was a problem in the JSON you submitted: unexpected character at line 10, column 3 [parse.c:619] in '{\r\n\t\"app_id\":\"e47322de-64c8-43c5-a1b7-42aa6409eb48\",\r\n\t\"headings\": {\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"subtitle\": {\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"contents\": {\r\n\t},\r\n\t\"data\": {\r\n\t}"}


As you observe, headings, subtitle, contents and data are empty objects. In addition "include_player_ids" which is declared as a list, is not being included in the POST.


Besides we have tried to declare them as %DynamicObject instead of %RegisteredObject:

Class EsquemasDatos.NotificacionesPUSH.CrearNotificacionRequest Extends (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor)


Parameter XMLNAME = "CrearNotificacionRequest";

Parameter XMLSEQUENCE = 1;

Property "app_id" As %String(MAXLEN = "");

Property headings As %DynamicObject;

Property subtitle As %DynamicObject;

Property contents As %DynamicObject;

// Property data As %RegisteredObject;

Property data As %DynamicObject;

// Property "include_player_ids" As %Collection.ListOfObj;

Property "include_player_ids" As %DynamicObject;

// Property "include_player_ids" As %String(MAXLEN = "");

 And here is the result being send to us by the API:

{"errors":["contents must be key/value collections by language code"]}


We wonder how could we include JSON objects inside the JSON object being sent to the API?


We have read:


How could we include JSON objects inside a POST request?

EDIT: We store in ^data the following string:
{"centro":"C.P. ISORA","fecha":"yyy/mm/dd","hora":"hh:mm","profesional":"nombre del profesional","nomUsuario":"nombre de usuario","codcita":"idCita","sepuedeborrar":"1"}

Discussion (3)1
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Hi Yone,

what version are you using ? From Caché/Ensemble 2016.2 you could create your json directly like :

Set body = {
     "headings"{"en":"Cita Atencion Primaria","es":"Cita Atencion Primaria"},
     "subtitle"{"en":"C.P. ISORA","es":"C.P. ISORA"},
     "contents"{"en""Next appointment""es""Siguiente cita"},
                "centro""C.P. ISORA",            
                "profesional""nombre del profesional",
                "nomUsuario""nombre del usuario",
Do httpRequest.EntityBody.Write(body.%ToJSON())