· Jan 7, 2018

How to control print position on Cache Terminal

I am using the free Intersystems Cache installation (CachePCkit V2017.1)  on Windows 10 for my own use & personal development.
I am writing routines in Studio & running them in the Cache terminal TRM:3672 (TRYCACHE).
From a routine, how do I control print position within the terminal screen. I have tried using $X and $Y but this does not work and I cannot find what I need within the Cache terminal documentation.

Hope this question is not too simplistic for Members.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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List of supported nnenmonics for ANSI terminals (X364)

%X364 ; BINDING FOR ANSI X3.64 NAMESPACE, NOV/92 ; LRS952 06/07/05
APC ; Application program command
BEL ; Ring the bell
CBT(%1) ; Cursor backward tabulation %1 tab stops
CCH ; Cancel character
CHA(%1) ; Cursor horizontal absolute (move to column %1)
CHT(%1) ; Cursor horizontal tabulation (forward %1 tab stops)
CNL(%1) ; Cursor next line (cursor down %1 lines)
CPL(%1) ; Cursor preceding line (cursor up %1 lines)
CPR ; Cursor position report (return in $KEY)
CTC(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9) ; Cursor tabulation control
CUB(%1) ; Cursor backward %1 columns
CUD(%1) ; Cursor down %1 lines
CUF(%1) ; Cursor forward %1 columns
CUP(%2,%1) ; Cursor position (column %1, line %2)
CUU(%1) ; Cursor up %1 lines
CVT(%1) ; Cursor vertical tabulation
DAQ(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9) ; Define area qualification
DCH(%1) ; Delete %1 characters
DCS ; Device control string
DL(%1) ; Delete %1 lines
DSR(%1) ; Device status report - type %1 - return in $KEY
EA(%1) ; Erase in area
ECH(%1) ; Erase %1 characters
ED(%1) ; Erase in display (%1=0 cursor-to-end,1 begin-to-cursor,2 entire scr)
EF(%1) ; Erase in field
EL(%1) ; Erase in line (%1=0 cursor-to-end, 1 begin-to-cursor, 2 entire line)
EPA ; End of protected area
ESA ; End of selected area
HPA(%1) ; Horizontal position attribute (cursor to column %1)
HPR(%1) ; Horizontal position relative (cursor forward %1 columns)
HTJ ; Horizontal tab with justify
HTS ; Horizontal tabulation set
HVP(%1,%2) ; Horizontal and vertical position (column %1, line %2)
ICH(%1) ; Insert %1 characters
IL(%1) ; Insert %1 lines
IND ; Index
INT ; Interrupt
MC ; Media copy
MW ; Message waiting
NEL ; Next line
NP(%1) ; Next page (advance %1 pages of terminal display memory)
OSC ; Operating system command
PLD ; Partial line down
PLU ; Partial line up
PM ; Privacy message
PP(%1) ; Preceding page (backup %1 pages of terminal display memory)
PU1 ; Private use one
PU2 ; Private use two
REP ; Repeat
RI ; Reverse index
RIS ; Reset to initial state
RM(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9) ; Reset mode
SEM ; Select editing extent mode
SGR(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9) ; Select graphic rendition %1 thru %9
SM(%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9) ; Set mode
SPA ; Start of protected area
SS2 ; Single shift two
SS3 ; Single shift three
SSA ; Start of selected area
ST ; String terminator
STS ; Set transmit state
SU ; Scroll up
TBC ; Tabulation clear
VPA(%1) ; Vertical position attribute (move to row %1 at same column)
VPR(%1) ; Vertical position relative (move down %1 lines at same column)
VTS ; Vertical tabulation sets