· Jan 26, 2023 1m read

How to add InterSystems certification to your DC profile

Hello Community,

Some of you have passed the InterSystems Official Certification and would like to get a nifty green tick on your profile avatar  

and all your certificates in your DC profile so that others know that you know... you know what we mean wink

So, to add certification to your DC profile, you need to take 3 easy steps:

1️⃣ Go to your DC profile 

2️⃣ Go to the InterSystems Certification section

3️⃣ Click on the Load my certification(s) button 

and that's it!  

The system will send the request to Credly with your DC email. If your certification is linked to the same email, your certificates will be loaded automatically:

If not, please follow the detailed steps described on the page:

And you're done. Now everyone knows that you know... ;)

Congratulations on adding the Certification and on actually passing it. Well done!

Do you have InterSystems certification?
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