· May 13

How to access Management Portal of lockeddown iris health server


We are using IRIS Health lockeddown images for building the product. In lockeddown images the default "superuser" or "_SYSTEM" users are present.

In this case how to access and authenticate the IRIS Management portal?


thanks and regards,

Jagadish Bandaru

Product version: IRIS 2023.3
$ZV: 2024.1
Discussion (3)2
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_SYSTEM, Admin, SuperUser, CSPSystem, HS_Services (if you are running HealthShare), IAM (if you are running the API module), _Ensemble, and _PUBLIC are all predefined system accounts built within InterSystems.

You define the password for these accounts during the install process.

Installing | HealthShare Health Connect 2024.1 (

They already have the necessary roles assigned to them.