· Jul 13, 2024

FHIR SQL Builder Access Issues

Hello Community,

I'm unable see the FHIR SQL builder /csp/fhirsql and /csp/fhirsql/api/ui  endpoints in web application to access the FHIR SQL builder. I'm using community edition 2024.1 and it contains the "FHIR SQL Builder".

Product version: IRIS 2024.1
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2024.1 (Build 267.2) Tue Apr 30 2024 16:42:56 EDT
Discussion (8)2
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Can you share the contents of the HS.Util.Installer.HSSYS-0.log file (it should be under the mgr directory of the IRIS installation).

For example if it includes a line such as:

2024-05-01 13:58:46.077 HS.HealthConnect.FHIRSQL.Upgrade.V2:InstallOnce-HSSYS-1 Configured FHIRSQL Application endpoints

Similarly also in ensinstall.log, with a line like this:

HS.HealthConnect.FHIRSQL.Upgrade.V2:InstallOnce-HSSYS-1 Configured FHIRSQL Application endpoints

Here is the details from the HS.Util.Installer.HSSYS-0.log file. I don't see "HS.HealthConnect.FHIRSQL.Upgrade.V2:InstallOnce-HSSYS-1 Configured FHIRSQL Application endpoints". Anyway I could able to see the FHIR endpoints in  2024.1 (build 267.2)  in other machine. However I'm unable to connect the page http://hostname:portnumber/csp/fhirsql/index.html#/

2024-07-13 20:20:08.984 HS.Util.Installer.ConfigItem:CreateDatabaseAndNamespace About to Create Database hssys
2024-07-13 20:20:09.120 HS.Util.Installer.ConfigItem:CreateDatabaseAndNamespace Created IRIS.DAT in c:\intersystems\irishealth\mgr\hssys
2024-07-13 20:20:09.189 HS.Util.Installer.ConfigItem:CreateDatabaseAndNamespace Made Namespace hssys
2024-07-13 20:20:11.169 HS.Util.Installer.ConfigItem:MapIPM Added package mapping: %IPM from HSLIB to HSSYS
2024-07-13 20:20:35.475 HS.Util.Installer.ConfigItem:CreateWebApplicationForRESTServices Created web application for REST Services: /api/healthshare-rest/hssys

And I did not see "HS.HealthConnect.FHIRSQL.Upgrade.V2:InstallOnce-HSSYS-1 Configured FHIRSQL Application endpoints"  and anything  related to FHIR SQL API in ensinstall.log  as well. I found some error message

     Starting HealthShare Foundation Security Upgrade
      Adding %HSAdmin_InstallationManagement to %EnsRole_Developer and EnsRole_Administrator roles
Created additional Security Roles and Resources
Created web applications for HSLIB
HS.Util.Installer.ConfigItem:CreateWebApplicationForRESTServices Created web application for REST Services: /api/healthshare-rest/hssys
Created web applications for HSSYS
Created web applications for HSCUSTOM
      + Installed component HSLIB Failed ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <WIDE CHAR>AddSchemaType+150^%XML.Schema.1
Installation failed: ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <WIDE CHAR>AddSchemaType+150^%XML.Schema.1



For the machine you got the <WIDE CHAR> error for - did you install 8bit or Unicode?

Your $ZV without the 'U' after the build number, suggests 8bit. I would recommend you install Unicode (8bit support is there more for customers who have legacy 8bit databases).

For the machine you do see the web applications, but can't browse to the page - 

Did you enable the Web Applications?


Are you getting an error when you browse there? (you can check the Browser Debugger just in case)

Might it be an authentication/authorization issue? (you can check the IRIS Audit, making sure you have Login Failure and/or Protect events enabled)