Does inter systems database management supports PhP based app.?
I need to create a healthcare management software for a local blood bank whose branches are spread throughout the USA. The Client has set the condition to use inter systems as the database management.
I am looking to create the app using PHP language and then host it through with VPN so that they all are interconnected. But due to the raise in cyber attacks. The client is seriously concerned about the security of the app thus wants to host it on google dedicated server which is being powered by
So does inter systems database management supports PHP based apps.?
Check this module
I've come to this party quite late but there is yet another solution to consider ...
This solution provides granular access to Cache/IRIS globals, functions and classes. It is network based and can therefore be used in enterprises where the web server and PHP engine are installed on a separate server to that hosting Cache/IRIS.
An earlier version of this module has been running in the field for quite a long time but it has taken me a while to get around to making it more widely available. In fact, those who have a penchant for a certain line of fast food might have used this code already :)...
Both Caché and InterSystems IRIS support ODBC. So you can connect to them from PHP via ODBC.
My company created two PHP-extension for InterSystems.é
No problem with security. You need run in AWS proxy-server like NGINX with multiple security settings and resctrictions
and run apache on the same host where located InterSystems.
NGINX and Apache will be connected by security and protected channel.
Commercional support and development new functions available.
Article with detail of use PHP-module for InterSystems.
I'm expert in NGINX and PHP for InterSystems.