· May 26, 2022

Deleting record with unique Key

Hi Guys,

I had a record with name field has a uniqueKeyIndex, so because I couldn't change and update the name description using SQL, I went and changed the name description in the Globals and removed the Index on name with old description, but now I wanted to create a new record with the old description that I removed from Globals but I'm getting UniqueIndex error, which means the old description is still somewhere in one of the globals, but I can't find that record anywhere in both data or index globals ?





Product version: Ensemble 2014.1
Discussion (3)1
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So in the future and in case I really need create a record with the same description on a unique indexed field, can I remove the UniqueIndex definition from the class definition do my change then put it back and compile rather than doing it through globals?

also when rebuilding indexes from SMP, it says running at the background but there no notification when the rebuild has finished, is there a way to see the running process because I couldn't see it in Processes?
