· Oct 30, 2018

csession with ##class command on a Windows machine

Hi community.

I'm trying to create a "setup" method to be called on a batch script but i'm getting the error <INVALID ARGUMENT> when I pass a string as an argument to this method.

The idea is to call the method with a folder as the parameter, for example:


My class (just for example)

Class test.MyClass


ClassMethod MyMethod(pFilePath)
Write pFilePath ,!


I'm using cmd as follows:

D:\>csession CACHE20172 -U %SYS ##class(test.MyClass).MyMethod(100)

If I use a number, It works, but any string value I get the error

D:\>csession CACHE20172 -U %SYS ##class(test.MyClass).MyMethod("test")

D:\>csession CACHE20172 -U %SYS ##class(test.MyClass).MyMethod(\"test\")

D:\>csession CACHE20172 -U %SYS ##class(test.MyClass).MyMethod(^"test^")

D:\>csession CACHE20172 -U %SYS ##class(test.MyClass).MyMethod(""test"")

D:\>csession CACHE20172 -U %SYS "##class(test.MyClass).MyMethod(\"test\")"

D:\>csession CACHE20172 -U %SYS "##class(test.MyClass).MyMethod(^"test^")"

D:\>csession CACHE20172 -U %SYS "##class(test.MyClass).MyMethod("""test""")"


Any idea to solve this? I think it might be something very easy (maybe related to escaping chars), but i'm stuck with this for some hours.

On a Linux machine I could make it work, but on a Windows machine I was not able so far...

Thank you all

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How would you do that with PowerShell?:

PS C:\InterSystems\Cache\bin> .\csession mycache -"U" user "##class(test.OsCall).inString(""""""abd"""""")"

PS C:\InterSystems\Cache\bin>

Combination of escape-characters doesn't work like these "##class.....(\`"abd\`")" or "##class....(`"abd`")"

compared to CMD:

C:\Users\me> .\csession myCache -"U" user "##class(test.OsCall).inString(""""""abd"""""")"  //see Seans good answer

Argument read: abd  (this comes from my Caché-class, so this environment works properly)